what are 3 evaluation points for evolutionary explanations of human aggression?
strength of gender differences
strength of real-world application
weakness of cultural differences
a strength of the evolutionary exp is that it accounts for ________ differences
gender differences
gender differences in agg could be due to socialisation, however research shows…
that differences could be due to adaptive strategies
who found research to show that gender differences in aggression can be due to adaption?
what did Campbell find about gender differences?
found that female with offspring not beneficial to be phy agg because it would harm both
adapt to verbal aggression to retain a partner
research into gender differences increases the…
practical app and generalisability because you can apply it to both genders
how can you criticise the evolutionary exp for accounting for gender differences?
because some people don’t fit in the box of male or female, so how can we explain their levels of aggression
a strength of the evolutionary exp of agg is that there is ____-_____ ___________
real-world application
what can we apply to the evolutionary exp to?
bullying and bullying interventions
who did research into bullying interventions?
what did Rigby review?
established interventions based that bullying is a maladaptive behaviour that can be eradicated by addressing the bully’s deficiencies
the evolutionary approach acknowledges that bullies…
bully for advantage for themselves, never give up power without reward/compensation
what did Volk et al say about anti-bullying interventions?
need to increase the cost of bullying and rewards of prosocial alternatives e.g. sports
the ______ _______ of evolutionary explanation is increased due to understanding bullying as a adaptive method
practical application
however real life application can be counteracted as….
bullying is still prevalent despite anti-bullying interventions