social policy and the family Flashcards
What are social policies?
Laws made by the government which aim to improve society or deal with a social issue.
How many types of social policy are there?
What is one type of social policy?
those which provide material support for the family. Such as cash benefits through tax credits and child benefits.
What is the other type of social policy?
Those which help parents balance working like and family life. For example, maternity pay and early years education .
Who was in power (politically) from 1980-1990s?
conservative party
What was the aim of the conservative policies introduced?
to strengthen the traditional nuclear family, emphasising the self help and reliance. Reduced welfare payments for example.
What are key examples of policies the conservatives introduced between 1980-1990s?
Children’s Act 1989
Child Support Agency 1993
Section 28
Who was in power between 1997 and 2010?
New Labour
What was the aim of social policies introduced by the new labour government?
Silva and Smart- Favour Dual earning families but also emphasised the heterosexual nuclear family and parental responsibility of their children. Some support for alternative family types.
What are examples of the new labour policies?
Parenting orders
Longer maternity leave
Civil partnerships
Unmarried couples adoption
who was in power from 2012 onwards?
A coalition
What were the aims of coalition policies?
Aims are inconsistent due to conflict between the two ideologies of the different MP’s
Hayton- 1. modernists who accept diversity and 2. traditionalists who favour a new right view
What are examples of coalition policies?
Equal Marriage Act
Removed couple penalty
Shared Parental Leave
What is the beverage report 1942?
Introduced the welfare state, including housing benefit and the NHS
How did the beverage report impact the family?
Removed some functions from the family
What is the Divorce Reform Act 1969?
Made divorce easier to obtain. Allowed women to divorce without having to prove adultery, abuse or abandonment.
What impact did the Divorce Reform Act 1969 have in the family?
Increased family diversity, especially single parent and reconstituted families
What did the legislation of the contraceptive pill in 1967 achieve?
Allowed women who were unmarried to obtain the contraceptive pill
What impact did this legislation of the contraceptive pill have on the family?
There was a decline in the birth rate as women had more control over their bodies.