social policy and education Flashcards
educational policy before 1988
before industrial revolution, no state schools and education only available to minority
industrialisation increased need for educated workforce so school compulsory for 5-13 year olds in 1880
What education were m/c and w/c given?
m/c - academic
w/c - basic numeracy and literacy skills needed for factory work
When was the Tripartite system
1944 (education act)
1944 education act - meritocracy
individuals showed achieve status through efforts and abilities rather than ascribed status
How and what 3 schools were children allocated to?
took an 11+ test
grammar school - passed exams, non manual, mainly m/c, high education
secondary modern school - failed exams, practical jobs, mainly w/c, low education
technical school - only existed in few areas, very few built, mechanics/engineering etc
What did separating people to different schools do?
reproduce class inequality
reproduced gender inequality as girls needed to get higher marks in the exams to go to grammar schools
legitimised inequality through ideology that ability is inborn and can be measured through 11+ exam
When was the comprehensive system?
What did the comprehensive system aim to do?
overcome class divide by abolishing 11+ exam along with grammar schools replaced with comprehensive schools that all pupils in one area would attend
aimed to make education system more meritocratic
What was the problem with going comprehensive?
it was up to local authorities whether schools went comprehensive so not all did
Functionalist view on comprehensive schools
promote social integration between classes
Who found little integration?
What was this due to?
due to streaming
Marxist view on comprehensive schools
reproduce class inequality through streaming and labelling
myth of meritocracy and legitimises class inequality
How were people selected in school?
selection by ability- now forbidden other than in grammar schools
selection by aptitude - potential in certain subjects (specialist schools can take up to 10% of pupils based on aptitude)
selection by faith - select proportion based on religion/ religion of parents
AO3 - issues with selection of schools
late developers not able to move schools
social cohesion and integration
labelling and self fulfilling prophecy
gains provided for some students cancelled out by number of disadvantaged students in secondary modern schools
Who identified covert selctions?
Tough and Brooks
What is covert selection?
cherry pick high achievers
discourage poor parents by giving impression school is better fitted for m/c
When was the conservative government - the new vocationalism?
1979 - 1997
What did the conservative government aim to do?
deal with youth unemployment as gov. felt education wasn’t adequate enough to prepare for work
What did the conservatives introduce?
apprenticeships and training schemes focusing on students gaining NVQs
Which theorists favour new vocationalism?
functionalists and new right
AO3 - problems with new vocationalism
cheap labour for employers
reduce politically embarrassing unemployment stats
lower ability students encouraged to do vocational education and w/c and ethnic minorities over represented
stereotypical gender patterns
AO3 - Cohen
argued vocational education aimed to instill good attitudes and work discipline meaning they will accept low paid and low skilled jobs
Who introduced 1988 education reform act?
What became a central theme of social policy since education reform act?
marketisation- introduce market force and competition e.g in education
Who followed similar policies?
1997 labour government
coalition government 2010 by pushing academies and introducing free school meals
How has marketisation created an education market?
reduce state control over education
increase competition in school
increase parental choice
aim to raise standards
Why do neo-liberal and new right favour marketisation?
schools have to attract customers with what they want (exam success) and those that don’t will ‘go out of business’
Who came up with ‘parentocracy’?
How did policies promote marketisation?
publish league tables
business sponsorship
open enrolment
funding formula
uni tuition fees
free schools
specialist schools
national curriculum
target setting