social class differences in achievement (internal factors) Flashcards
What are the 5 internal factors in education?
self fulfilling prophecy
pupil subcultures
pupil’s class identities
What type of sociologists are particularly interested in labelling for face to face interactions?
Interactionists (social action)
What did Becker do his study on and what were his findings?
interviewed 60 chicago high school teachers
found they judged pupils based on how much they fit into the ideal pupil
pupils from m/c tended to be ideal pupil
AO3 - different notions of ideal pupil
in largely w/c school - quiet, obedient, passive (behaviour not ability)
in largely m/c school - defined in personality and academic ability as there were few discipline problems
What did Rist find about labelling in primary schools?
studied American kindergarteners
found teachers use info from their home life and place them on tables
CLOWNS AND CARDINALS - mainly w/c, given less opportunity and lower level books, sat far away from teacher
TIGERS - fast learners, mainly m/c, clean appearance, seated near teacher
What is the process of self fulfilling prophecy?
step 1 - teacher labels pupil and make prediction from label
step 2 - teacher treats pupil accordingly
step 3 - pupil internalises label and become like that label
What did Rosenthal and Jacobsen find in their study?
told school they had a test to see who would spurt ahead (was a normal IQ test in reality)
picked 20% randomly and said they were spurters
a year later found 47% of these had made significant progress
shows labels affect progress
AO3 - labelling too deterministic
assumes all children labelled become that label
AO3 - marxist disagreement
ignore wider structural inequalities that create labels
argue labels are not product of individual teachers but societal influences
What did Becker find with streaming?
w/c pupils not seen as ideal and have low expectations so put in lower streams (sets)
Who made streaming and A-C economy?
Gillborn and Youdell
What did Gillborn and Youdell find?
teachers less likely to see w/c and black pupils as having ability so placed in lower streams
gives less opportunities
they publish exam league tables and so those schools with better performance get more pupils and more funding
creates A-C economy as they focus on pupils capable of Cs to boost league tables
What is the educational triage by Gillborn and Youdell?
pupils separated in a triage
those who will pass anyway
borderline C-D students
hopeless cases
Who talked about pupil subcultures of differentiation and polarisation?
What is differentiation and polarisation?
differentiation - teachers categorise pupils due to perceived abilities
polarisation - how pupils respond to streaming (pro school or anti school)
pro school - m/c and committed to school
anti school - w/c and low self esteem/ no commitment to school