social class differences in achievement (external factors) Flashcards
What are the three external factors for achievement?
cultural deprivation
material deprivation
cultural capital
What is cultural deprivation?
when students lack the basic ‘cultural equipment’
What is the basic ‘cultural equipment’?
parent’s education
Which sociologist talks about speech codes?
What are the 2 speech codes and who speaks which?
restricted - w/c, limited and simple vocab
elaborated - m/c, wider and complex vocab
Who is at an advantage with language in school and why?
(plus impact)
m/c because teachers, textbooks and exams use elaborated code
puts w/c at disadvantage and gives them less oppurtunities
AO3 - who does Bernstein blame for the socialising of children?
unlike most CD theorists Bernstein doesn’t blame home life
says it is schools responsibility to teach students elaborated code
(internal not external)
What did the sociologist Douglas find?
w/c parents place less value on their child’s education
What is the impact of w/c parents not placing value on education?
(5 points)
less ambition for children
less encouragement
less interest
visited schools less
less likely to discuss child’s progress with teachers
What did the sociologist Feinstein say?
m/c parents tend to be better educated so socialise children to be positive towards education
How did m/c parents socialise their children to be positive towards education?
(4 points)
parenting style - m/c have discipline and high expectations
parent’s educational behaviours - m/c read, visit educational places, relationship with teachers
use of income - use to promote education
class, income and parental education - parents education is key as even with social classes better educated parents mean better achieving children
What is a subculture and which sociologist talks about it?
a group whose attitudes and values differ from the mainstream culture
What are the 4 subcultures and explain what they are?
fatalism - ‘what will be will be’ and can’t change
collectivism - value being in groups over individual success
immediate gratification - pleasure now instead of making sacrifices for future rewards
present time orientation - present more important than future (w/c)
Where does Sugarman say the differences in subcultures come from?
m/c jobs are secure and have continuous advancements but w/c have less secure jobs and opportunities are limited
Who internalises the beliefs and values of these subcultures?
What is compensatory education?
aim to tackle the problems of cultural deprivation by giving extra resources in deprived areas
Examples of compensatory education?
Sesame Street - TV instill educational values and skills e.g numeracy and literacy
Sure Start - policy by New Labour in 2010 where centres were set up in deprived areas to provide care, support, health services, employment for parents etc
also have Operation Head Start, education programmes etc
What problems have there been with compensatory education?
since 2011, significant cuts in funding and many centres closed