Social Justice True or False Flashcards
Social Justice explains how people’s evaluations and behaviors are influenced by their judgement about what is fair
Social Justice explains how people’s evaluations and behaviors are contrasted by their judgement about what is fair
Justice motive in human behavior is the extent to which people are motivated to promote fair treatment of others and not merely by consideration of self-interest
Justice motive in human behavior is the extent to which people are motivated to promote unfair treatment of others and not merely by consideration of self-interest
The purest evidence of a “justice motive” comes from cases in which people are willing to risk or sacrifice their own
welfare to insure that others are treated fairly
The purest evidence of a “justice motive” comes from cases in which people are less likely to risk or sacrifice their own
welfare to insure that others are treated
In the distributive justice, it is the issue of how to allocate scarce resources fairly and appropriately
In the retributive justice how to allocate scarce resources fairly and appropriately
In distributive justice, both the person who breaks the law and the
person who get more for
himself are unjust
In distributive justice, both the person who breaks the law and the
person who get more for
himself are fair
People perceived procedures as fair when they are allowed to present evidence on their behalf (process control) and if they have a say in the decision itself (decision control).
People perceived procedures as fair when they are not allowed to present evidence on their behalf (process control) and if they have a say in the decision itself (decision control).
The voice effect is the opportunity to express one’s views or feelings during the decision-making process significantly increases perceptions of procedural fairness
The voice effect is the opportunity to express one’s views or feelings during the decision-making process significantly decreases perceptions of procedural fairness
Prejudice, discrimination and authoritarianisms on the part of the ordinary citizens contribute to unjust and undemocratic social climate
Prejudice, discrimination and authoritarianisms on the part of the ordinary citizens contribute to fair and democratic social climate
Justice consists of punishing people who have intentionally committed known, morally wrong actions that either directly or indirectly harm others
Justice consists of rewarding people who have intentionally committed known, morally wrong actions that either directly or indirectly harm others
Deals with crime by bringing together the offender, the victim and their respective families and friends to discuss the effects of the crime and the steps that can be taken to repair the harm the offender has done
Deals with crime by bringing separately the offender, the victim and their respective families and friends to discuss the effects of the crime and the steps that can be taken to repair the harm the offender has done
The three social-psychological principles that govern how we allocate resources are Equity, equality and need.
The three social-psychological principles that govern how we allocate resources are Inequity, Inequality and needless.
Individuals receive rewards directly correspondent to their contributions
Individuals receive rewards directly correspondent to their attributions
If an individual concludes that the rewards he gets is disproportionate to his contribution, psychological distress is theorized to ensue; such distress in turn, is expected to motivate the individual to restore equity (Walster, Bersheid, & Walster, 1973)
If an individual concludes that the rewards he gets is proportionate to his contribution, psychological distress is theorized to ensue; such distress in turn, is expected to motivate the individual to restore equity (Walster, Bersheid, & Walster, 1973)
People dislike being overbenefitted as well as being underbenefitted
People like being overbenefitted as well as being underbenefitted
Those who are underbenefitted are assumed to feel angry and resentful, whereas those who are overbenefitted are assumed to feel guilty
Those who are overbenefitted are assumed to feel angry and resentful, whereas those who are underbenefitted are assumed to feel guilty
People can cope with equity-related distress by increasing or decreasing performance; or psychologically, by adjusting their evaluation of work difficulty to justify input-output ratio
People can cope with inequity-related distress by increasing or decreasing performance; or psychologically, by adjusting their evaluation of work difficulty to justify input-output ratio
Perception of inequity explains anomalous behavior in workplace setting such as employee theft of property belonging to an organization
Perception of equity explains anomalous behavior in workplace setting such as employee theft of property belonging to an organization
Group members will do less if they perceive that their co-workers will do less than their share
Group members will do more if they perceive that their co-workers will do less than their share
People who are especially interested in preserving social harmony tend to restore equity through subjective rather than objective means
People who are especially interested in preserving social harmony tend to restore equity through subjective rather than objective means
All individuals making contributions to some effort should receive equal rewards (Hating-kapatid)
Some of the individuals making effort should receive equal rewards
People with greatest need should be given priority for resources
People with lesser need should be given priority for resources
Holds that people will experience moral outrage and engage in collective action aimed at changing unjust status quo if and only if they perceive themselves to be relatively deprived .
Holds that people will experience moral outrage and disengage in collective action aimed at changing unjust status quo if and only if they perceive themselves to be relatively deprived .
Holds that people are motivated to see the world as a just place. This leads them to distort their judgments about events, making them consistent with the belief that people receive the outcome they deserve.
Holds that people are motivated to see the world as a just place. This leads them to form their judgments about events, making them consistent with the belief that people receive the outcome they deserve.
People are generally threatened by the presence of injustice and are therefore motivated to restore justice; however, if they are prevented from doing so, they will deny or minimize the unjust event .
People are generally threatened by the presence of injustice and are therefore motivated to retract justice; however, if they are prevented from doing so, they will deny or minimize the unjust event .
Victim-blaming, derogation of those who are impoverished, unemployed, unlucky; those who are sick and victims of sexual assaults are the most common behavioral outcomes when opportunities to help are blocked.
Victim-blaming, derogation of those who are impoverished, unemployed, unlucky; those who are sick and victims of sexual assaults are the most common behavioral outcomes creates opportunities.