IO PSYCH Flashcards
What are the scope of IO Psychology?
Individual Work Behaviors, Group Processes, Human Resource Functions
first founding fathers of industrial psychology; application of psychology on advertising
Walter dill scott
“Real-life” applications of psychology
Father of industrial psychology
Hugo Munsterberg
The first school of professional management was started at the
University of Pennsylvania
Developed the “scientific management philosophy”
Frederick W. Taylor
Developed Army Alpha and Army Beta – used to measure intellectual capacity of army recruits
Robert Yerkes
Classified and placed enlistees, conducted performance evaluations of officers, and developed and prepared job duties and qualifications
Walter Dill Scott
Bureau of Salesmanship Research (selection, classification,and development of sales personnel, clerical workers, and executives.
Walter Bingham
Psychological Corporation
James Cattell
Led the first publication of an empirical study of the effects of leadership styles
Kurt Lewin
What is the test of performance under situational stress?
Army General Classification Test
When did the Development of
Army General Classification Test occured?
World War II
Three areas of IO psychology
Personnel,Organizational, Engineering
When did the IO became divided into area of specialization in IO?
Late 50s
Theories of motivation supported the human relations movement
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Outlined his Management by Objectives (MBO) approach
Peter F. Drucker
Outlined his Critical Incidents Technique
John C. Flanigan
Year of Katz & Kahn theory and research of organizational behavior
Year of advances in job analysis techniques
Mid 1960’s into early 1970’s
Proposed his Theory X and Theory Y assumptions
Douglas Mcgregor
Proposed need for achievement theory
David Mcclelland
Two factor theory of motivation
Frederick Herzberg
B.F. Skinner, in Beyond Freedom and Dignity, advocated behavior modification strategies to motivate people in organizations
Rise of cognitive approaches
The term “organizational” was added to industrial and I/O was officially formed
Rise of participatory management techniques:
Late 1980’s
Renewed interest in organizational climate and groups
Late 1980’s
Rise of meta-analysis as statistical technique
Creation of Ateneo Human Resources Center (later renamed to Ateneo Center for Organizational Research and Development)
PAP was founded
Creation of the first formal division in IO
Creation of first standing committee in IO psychology under PAP
Who headed the first formal division in IO?
Dr. Carmela Ortigas
First documented IO psychology research is a MA thesis written by
Aurora Yambot
When is the first documented IO psychology research written?
Some notable researches: “Explaining and predicting Filipino industrial workers’ performance and satisfaction: The socio-psychological perspective