Social Influence Flashcards
What is conformity
Change in a persons behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group
What are the 3 types of conformity
What is compliance
Compliance is a type of conformity and is when individuals adjust/change their behaviour, and the views, attitudes and beliefs they voice in public, so that they are in line with the majority. There is no change to privately held views, attitudes and beliefs and conformity only lasts while the group is present.
What is internalisation
Internalisation is another type of conformity which is when individuals adjust/change their behaviour, and the views, attitudes and beliefs they voice in public, so that they are in line with the majority. The individual examines their behaviour, beliefs and attitudes based on what others are saying and decide that the majority is correct. This leads the person to accept the group’s point of view privately as well as publicly.
What is identification
conform to the opinions of the group because there is something about the group that we value. We identify with the group because we feel that we are similar to that group and therefore change our views to be part of it. We also identify with those people who we admire and may look up to. We may agree with the group publically but disagree privately.
Explanations of conformity (AO1)
Deutsch and Gerard (1955) developed a two-process theory and thus identified two reasons for conformity: the desire to be accepted (NSI) and the desire to be right (ISI)
ISI is when the person conforms because they’re unsure so they look to others for the answer. It’s the need to be right and takes places in difficult, ambiguous situations or when there’s a crisis (leads to internalisation)
NSI is conforming to fit in with norms and be liked/accepted into a group. People have a fundamental need to be liked and accepted, so people conform to avoid ridicule or rejection (happens with strangers or stressful situations, leads to compliance)
Explanations of conformity AO3
- research evidence to support. Lucas et al (2006) asked students to give answers to mathematical problems that were easy or more difficult, Lucas found that conformity occurred more to incorrect answers when the mathematical problems were more difficult rather than easy. Shows how conformity happens in difficult situations
- With regards to NSI, Asch (1951) found that many of his participants went along with a clearly wrong answer because other people did. These participants feared rejection so agreed with the wrong answer
- sherif autokinetic study also
- Jenness jelly bean study
- individual differences in NSI and ISI, not every individual shows NSI but some are as they feel the need to be liked (naffiliators). Naffiliators conform but those who aren’t wont conform to NSI (lacked population validity). Studies also show that not everyone conforms to ISI even in ambiguous situations (Asch 28% not as conformist compared to other types of pps 37%)
- Dispositional factors (i.e. personality traits) may also impact whether or not a person conforms. People with an internal locus of control are less likely to conform than those with an external locus of control. Normative social influence and informational social influence cannot explain this finding. A person’s locus of control refers to the extent to which they believe they have control over their own behaviour. People with an internal locus of control believe that what occurs in their life is the result of their own behaviour and actions. People with an external locus of control believe strongly that what happens in their lives is outside of their control.
- It has been suggested that there is a third explanation for conformity, not included in this theory, known as ingratiational conformity. This is similar to normative social influence, but group influence does not enter into the decision to conform. It is instead motivated by the need to impress or gain favour, rather than the fear of rejection (McLeod, 2007)
Jennes (1932) study into conformity (jelly beans)
Wanted to examine whether ppl change opinion in ambiguous situations
Had a glass bottle filled with beans, asked 26 students to estimate how many were in there. Put pps and allowed them to discuss it then asked them again how many beans there were. Jeness found nearly all pps changed their original answer when they had another opportunity . Males changed by 256, female by 382. Shows they changed due to ISI
Sherif (1935) auto kinetic effect experiment
Aimed to show ppl conform to group norms when in ambiguous situations
He used the autokinetic effect – this is where a small spot of light (projected onto a screen) in a dark room will appear to move, even though it is still (i.e. it is a visual illusion).
It was discovered that when participants were individually tested their estimates on how far the light moved varied considerably (e.g. from 20cm to 80cm).
Pps then tested in groups of 3 and found they mostly converged to a common estimate, showing people conform
He also started with the group discussion then asked pps individually and found answers were similar, showing they had internalised the group norm and took is as their own, showing when in ambiguous situations people conform to group norm
Asch study (1951)
Asch believed problem with sherif experiments was there was no correct answer so dk if ppl actually conformed
Had 123 male us pps participate in a vision test, placing each pps in a group of up to 8 confederates, who had agreed in advance what answer they would give when shown the line task.
18 trials, in 12 confederate gave wrong answers(critical trials), Asch wanted to see if the real pps would conform to what confederates say. Also had a control group with no confederates
chance of making a genuine mistake was only 1% but 33% of responses given by participants were incorrect
He found in critical trials 75% conformed once and 25% didn’t at all. In control group less than 1% gave wrong answer. Overall 35% pps conformed on average
Interview after showed pps knew answers were wrong but went along with what everyone else said to avoid ridicule
Showed compliance (agree publicaly but not privately) and NSI (wanted to fit in)
Variables investigated by Asch
Group size- changed number of confederates. With 1 or 2, conformity rate was low (3%, 13%) but with 3 it went up to 32%. This was the maximum showed group size is only important up to a certain point
Unanimity of majority- if one confederate gave correct answer, conformity rate dropped from 33 - 5.5%. If one confederate gave wrong answer , rate dropped to 9% showing you only need one break in unanimous decision
Task difficulty - when lines were more close together conformity levels rose, possibly because isi was starting to have an impact Lucas et at (2006) found influence of task difficulty is moderated by the self-efficacy (how confident they are) of a pps. With the maths problems, high self-efficacy pps were independent showing situational and personality differences are both important in determining conformity
Evaluation of Asch study and variable affecting conformity
Only cons:
- carried out in 1950s (much more conformist decade) so lacks temporal validity as it means that the Asch effect is not consistent across situations or time. When carried out in 80s only 1 student conformed in 396 trials compared to Asch’s 75% conforming at least once
The task given to the participants, to match line lengths, is artificial and
unlikely to occur in real life. Conformity usually takes place in a social context,
often with people we know rather than strangers. The study therefore lacks
mundane realism (it does not reflect real life) and ecological validity (cannot be
generalised to real life).
- gender bias, only contained men so can’t generalise study to women, also lacks population validity as carried out in US which is an individualistic culture. When it was carried out in China conformity rates were higher
- ethical issue of Asch’s study, deception (confederates used), could lead to psychological harm as pps could be confused why everyone is answering wrong (creates stress and confusion). There was no fully informed consent asw but there was a debriefing. However, it was necessary to deceive participants
about the purpose of the study to prevent demand characteristics (when
participants change their behaviour because they are in a study) which would
make the study not valid - asch used a volunteer sample whose behaviour may not represent that of a wider population. Lack of population validity means results can’t be generalised to wider population
Method of Zimbardo (1974) study AO1
Aim was to see whether people will conform to new social roles
- converted base of Stanford university into mock prison, asked for volunteers to participate
- gave participants who applied diagnostic interviews to get rid of those with problems/ history of crime
- 24 male students (10 prisoners and 11 guards, rest were reserves)
- pps randomly assigned to prisoner and guard. Prisoners treated like acc prisoners (personal possessions removed, id by number, had locked chain around ankle)
- guards dressed in identical uniforms, had a whistle hat and sunglasses. They worked 8 hr shifts and were told to do whatever they thought was necessary (no violence)
- zimbardo acted as warden
Findings of zimbardo study (AO1)
- prisoners and guards identified with their roles quickly
- prisoners tried rebelling (ripped off prison numbers and barricaded themselves in their cell) and guards stopped that by harassing and tormenting prisoners (sprayed them with co2, stripped them naked and took beds away + forced ringleaders into solitary confinement)
- they gave prisoners pointless and boring task like cleaning toilets with bare hands
- one prisoner released after 36 hrs due to screaming and crying (thought he was becoming depressed)
- slowly but surely more people started to leave and even tho zimbardo wanted it to last 2 weeks, only lasted 6 days after Stanford phd maslach deemed it in humane as prisoners were being abused
Zimbardo study AO3
- Zimbardo and his colleagues had some level of control over variables e.g. when selecting participants, Zimbardo and his team chose the most emotionally stable males. Furthermore, each participant was randomly assigned to either prisoner or guard meaning that there was no experimenter bias. So we can be confident in drawing conclusions
- good application to real life scenarios. From 2003-2004 USA Military Police committed serious human rights violations against Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. Zimbardo argued same conformity to social roles was present in both, guards had lack of training boredom and no accountability which is why they did what they did
- lack of research support. Study by reicher and haslam 2006 (BBC prison study) conducted similar experiment and found that it was the prisoners who took control
- ethical issues. Deception also used and pps didn’t give full consent as they didn’t know they’d be arrested like an actually prisoner. This could’ve scarred pps. Pps also suffered from psychological harm. 5 prisoners had to be released early due to extreme reactions. However, simbardo didn’t expect guards to behave in this way so harm couldn’t have been anticipated
- Zimbardo took on the role of prison warden, became very involved in the experiment and lost his objectivity. He had to be told by a colleague to end the experiment, so validity of findings can be questioned
- guards may have behaved the way they did due to demand characteristics, some of the participants reported afterwards that they thought that the experimenters wanted them to behave aggressively, and this is why they behaved the way they did. This means the study is not valid.
- unrepresentative, white young middle class men from Stanford unti. Can’t generalised to women or other cultures. Culture and gender bias present
What is obedience
Obedience is a form of social influence in which an individual follows a direct order. The person issuing the order is usually a figure of authority, who has the power to punish when obedient behaviour is not forthcoming.
Milgram study on obedience (1963) AO1
AIM- to investigate the level of obedience participants would show when an authority figure tells them to administer electric shocks to another human being.
- asked pps by advertising to take part in study at Yale university. 40 pps who were paired with one another (drew lots to identify teacher and learner). Draw was fixed so that the learner was one of milgrams confederates
- teacher and researcher went into a room next door and the pps thought they were giving electric shocks of up to 450v when learner (Mr Wallace, a confederate who pretended to have a weak heart) gave wrong answers
- if pps asked qs or wanted to stop researcher would say ‘prods’ such as please continue, you have no other choice etc. (Asked in sequence)
As shocks became more severe Mr Wallace demanded to be released, screamed, kicked the wall, complained about his weak heart, refused to answer qs and finally went silent