social influence Flashcards
what is agentic state?
individual carries out the orders of another person acting as their agent with little personal responsibility
what is authoritarian personality?
a person who has extreme respect for authority and is obedient to those who have power over them. They are characterised by a dogmatic and conventional outlook and these traits and dispositions are developed from strict and rigid parenting
what is autonomous state?
where individuals are seen as personally responsible for their actions
what is compliance?
a superficial type of conformity where people conform publicly but privately disagree
what are confederates?
alternative term for psuedo participants
what is conformity?
changing what we do think or say in response to others
what is identification?
where people change their beliefs (sometimes temporarily) to fit in within a group
what are dispositional variables?
focus on internal (personality) characteristics within humans that contribute to obedience
what is internalisation?
where people change their beliefs permanently
what is locus of control?
extent to which individuals believe they can control events in their lives
what is majority influence?
alternative term for conformity
what is milgram paradigm?
experimental procedure for measuring obedience rates
what is minority influence?
where an individual or small group influence attitudes and behaviours of a larger group
what is obedience?
complying with the demands of an authority figure
what are situational variables?
focus on external factors that affect the likelihood that someone will obey orders
what is social change?
the process by which attitudes, beliefs and norms of acceptable behaviour vary over time
what are social roles?
the parts individuals play as a part of a social group
what is social support?
perception of assistance and solidarity available from others
what is unanimity?
complete agreement from a group of people about an issue or question
what is diachronic consistency?
consistency in belief over time
what is synchronic consistency?
consistency between all individuals involved
what is NSI
when a person conforms to be accepted and to feel like they belong to a group
a person conforms because it is socially rewarding or to avoid social rejection, for example, feeling like they don’t fit in
what is informational social influence
when a person conforms to gain knowledge, or because they believe that someone else is right
usually associated with internalisation
occurs in unfamiliar, ambiguous situations
agency theory (explanation for obedience)
the idea that people are more likely to obey when they are in the agentic state as they don’t believe they will suffer the consequences of those actions i.e. they believe they are acting in behalf of their agent