social influemce Flashcards
what is conformity
conformity is a form pf social influece where the persons way of thinking chnages becase of group pressure
what is obedience
a form of social influence where it causes a perosn to act in response froma direct order from an authroty figure
what are the social factors of conformity and dispositional
the social factors are group size , annoynimity and task diffculty as for the dispositional factors are personality and expertise
what is agency theory of social factors of obediemce
the agentic state follow orders blindly hoever the sutonomus state where yu feel repsonsible ….
what is Adornos theory of dispositional factors of obediemce
the dispositional factors are cognitive style and authoritian perosnality and scape goating and originates in childhoood
A03 for Adornos theory is
one weakness used a bad questionarre
one wekaness it desnt explain all cases of obsediemce
A03 for agensy thoey
one wekaness it excuses people whp follow orders blidly
one weakness it doesnt explain why thereisnt 200 percent obedince
what was the conformity study about A01
aime to investigate if people would still conform eventhough the answers weere wrog split into group the group had one naive participant and the rest are stooges , thier task was to which one of these comparison lines were the same length as the standard line . they give wrong answers in the trials and then the other 12 they started saying the right answer . they did better in the control condition than the experimental condition
what is deindivatuation
a psychological state where somone loses their identity
what is prosocial behavior
behavior thta i benefical to thers but not necessarly befirted to the helper
what is bystandered behavior
a study shows that the presecnce of other reduce the likehood of help that is being offered
the social and dispositional factors of prosocial
social factors are presence of others
and cost of helping
dispostional factor is experyise and similiarity to victim and expertise
what is collective behavior
is when a whole group comes and behaves comes as a group of people
the socila and disposition of crwod and collective behavior
the social factors are social loafing and culture then the disposition is morality and personality
what is antisocial behavior
where u start act violenlt towards people