Social Groups Flashcards
what did Anna-Brita Stenstrom found
common teen talk features
1. multiple negation
2. slang
3. taboo lang
4. irregular turn taking
5. ain’t
6. non standard articulation and pronounciation
7. left out auxilary verbs
8. mix of lang form other cultures
Penelope Eckert about teens speak
said that their slang used to set them off from older generation
it signals coolness, thoughness, attitude
they use a lot of ‘like’ and ‘okey’
multiple negation
Ignacio Palacio Martinez also about teens speak
also found lots of negations, but thought it is due to teens are being more direct, while adults are too worried about threatening speaker’s face
Christopher Odato children+adults
found that children as young as 4 using ‘like’ which shows it is not related to age, as they are probably coppying their parents. means adults also use a lot of ‘like’ word
david crystal of limited vocab in teens and text speak
only 10% of test speak is abriviated, and many abriviations are older then we think, so they even werent made by teens of current generation.
children know how to spell the word with letters left out.
Vocab of a young child - several thousands
Vocab of a Sixth former - at least 20 000 words
Clare Wood on texting and teens
texting actually helps children practise to write and to read
those who text more are generally more have a better literacy
Department of Education found…
abput teens and text speak
found that the fact children use texting has no correlation with their written development
Gary Ives
teens and text
did a study on Instagram and found that it is actually not teens who use abriviation the most - but younger children age 8 to 11
what does technology???
its helping to ensure teens write out words in text
Don Zimmerman
what influences teen language?
- media
- new means of coomunication
- music
- street art
Vivian de Klerk’s final conclusion on teen speak
- have the freedom to chnage linguistic norms
- seek to establish new identities and be different
- patterns that were taken from parents, changing to patterns from their peer groups
- want to be up-to-date and fashionable
- need to belong to a group to be different form their parents
Gary Ives
study on Ethnicity
Bradford students of Pakistani origins
were born in the uk, but not natives
spoke fluent Punjabi
diffentiate form true immigrants by calling them Freshies
Consciously chose to speak a mix of English and Punjabi to diverge form immigrants or native speakers
Exclusive group with Covert prestige for that
bonded as their own social group
what is Polari
language used mainly be gay men.
in london
in the time when it was illegal 1930 - 1970
Paul Baker on Polari
whats it made up off
it is an anti-language
secrete code, made up words, influenced by Italian, Occitan, American forces slang
passed orally, never through writing
has around 500 words, though users usually use less.
peppered language with it so they can use to other gays without being caught
what polari words made it to mainstream
naff - awful
camp - outrageous
bevvy - drink
when Polari hits the media bbc and with what?
sradio show “round the horn’’
featuring two polari speakers
by then it was more or less legal so language faded
what we have today?
pronoun Mx for non gender specifity
pronoun Ms - for not specifying merital status of a woman
in Swedish - Hen is gender neutral pronoun
pronoun They singular for not specifying gender (it was also used as singlural by Shakesperare)