Social exclusion is a social determinant related to:
systematic discrimination and being excluded from society
According to the UK Social Inclusion Unit, social EXCLUSION can be defined as ‘a shorthand label for what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low income, poor housing, high crime environments and family breakdown’.
Capability deprivation
is where poverty creates exclusion from a wide variety of opportunities, such as land ownership, education and economic participation.
Psychosocial health is more likely to be affected by social exclusion , followed by a decline in physical health over time.
What is the focus of the Australian Commonwealth Government’s Social Inclusion Initiative to assist the most disadvantaged communities out of unemployment, welfare dependency, crime and child neglect?
Employment and education.
Active Exclusion:
no having the right to vote if they are not citizen.
Passive Exclusion:
cost of living increasing, pay rates are not good(they are being social excluded because of their economic condition)
What leads to social Exclusion:
Stigmatisation Hostility Racism Unemployment Discrimination
Prejudice: individual idea
Stereotype: generalisation, blanket idea of a group
Discrimination: actions on excluding someone based on race, sex, or age.