Social Development Flashcards
Phases of social development
- basic attraction
- Core relatedness
- Topic-based relatedness
- Connected-up relatedness
- Cooperative relatedness
When is basic attraction phase?
birth to 1 month
What Is basic attraction phase?
when babies have an attraction to faces that are ready to engage e.g eyes open and forward
neonatal imitation
phase ensures infants motivation to engage
What is neonatal imitation?
babies are able to copy a variety of facial movements
When is the core relatedness phase?
2 months old
also known as primary intersubjectivity
What is the core relatedness phase?
involves emotionally intimate one to one interactions e.g holding eye contact, ‘pre-speech’ (opening mouth)
When is topic-based relatedness phase?
5 months
What is topic-based relatedness phase?
transitional phase
interactions go from being about just communication to being about a ‘third’ topic
improvement in vision and expanding field of knowledge
When is connected-up relatedness phase?
9-10 months
also known as secondary intersubjectivity
What is connected-up relatedness phase?
Involves gaze following, infants can also follow others’ pointing gestures
reciprocal play
physical mastery of environment
When is cooperative-relatedness phase?
18 months
What is cooperative-relatedness phase?
understanding of others experience
objective take on own experience
can help others in task
What is theory of mind?
ability to understand that other people have mental states such as beliefs and feelings
What are the 2 theories that try to explain about how we reason about other minds?
- “theory theory”
- “simulation theory”
What is “theory theory”?
we understand other’s mental states by having a model (theory) of others minds
gain rules and principles which help explain and predict behaviour