Social Cognition Flashcards
Are our friends better or worse than us at predicting whether relationships will last?
What is the relationship between confidence and accuracy when assessing parters?
There is none.
Is believing partnerships are destined adaptive for relationships?
Within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone, what can we determine? (5)
If they are angry, attractive, smart, extroverted, conscientious, etc.
What supplies us with preconceptions about what people are like?
When researchers put students together in conversations, how long after did first impressions have an effect?
9 months
What is the primacy effect?
The bias for the information one receives first.
What effect will people hearing about someone’s good traits before their bad ones have?
It will cause them to rationalize their negative characteristics because their first impression is the good traits.
What evidence is there for how perceptions control our interpretation of information?
Participants were shown a video of a girl answering hard questions but getting easy ones wrong. They were told she was either rich or poor, and their preconceived notions about the intelligence of rich/poor people affected how their viewed the girl’s intelligence.
What is confirmation bias?
Seeking information that will prove us right and disregarding information that would prove us wrong.
What study on confirmation bias (confirmatory hypothesis testing) did Snyder and Swann conduct?
Told participants to interview someone and determine if they were extraverted/introverted. They asked questions that would confirm what they were asked to look for.
Why are first impressions so important?
Because the first information both directs our attention to new information, as well as influences our interpretations of new facts.
Where do the most accurate predictions regarding the future of a heterosexual relationship often come from?
The friends of the woman involved.
What explanations are there for why partners cannot accurately judge their relationships?
Because of their busy cognition and romantic frame of mine. Social interaction prevents them from carefully critiquing and correcting their erroneous impressions.
What common bias is present in people’s perceptions of their partners?
Cherrypicking. They judge lovers by positive illusions and consider their faults to be less important.
What are 4 benefits of positive illusions?
You judge partner behaviour in positive ways, are more willing to maintain the relationship, experience higher self-esteem, and revise our ideals of the ideal partner.
What are attributions?
The explanations we generate for why things happen.
What are the 6 characteristics of attributions?
Internal or external, global or specific, and stable or unstable.
What kind of attributions do we make for our partners positive behaviour in a satisfied relationship?
Relationship enhancing attributions: Internal, stable, global.
What kind of attributions do we make for our partners negative behaviour in a satisfied relationship?
Relationship enhancing attributions: External, unstable, specific.