Soci 301-Lecture 2 Flashcards
-biological difference between females and males
primary sex characteristics
-genitalia used in the reproduction
secondary sex characteristics
- the physical traits that identify an individual’s sex
- “breasts and beards”
-sex glands
Names of Sex Researchers (3)
1) Alfred Kinsey
2) Masters and Johnson (late 1950s through 1990s)
3) Janus and Janus
Who did Masters and Johnson use in their studies?
-they used volunteers, some of whom were prostitutes (especially in the earlier studies)
Is there a lot of research available on the development of human sexual orientation?
- not a lot, but it is growing
sexual dysfunction
-a problem with sexual functioning
organic factors
-include physical problems such as illnesses, side effects from medication, the effects of surgeries, physical disabilities and the use of drugs
sociocultural factors
-sexual attitudes and behavior can be a source of psychological stress
psychological factors
-include psychological problems, such as low self-esteem, anxiety over performance of the sex act, depression, self-consciousness about one’s body image, anxiety disorders, or a history of previous sexual abuse or assault
paraphilia (atypical sexual behavior)
-unusual sexual arousal
-unusual sexual interest in an object
-exposing non-clothed parts
-sexual arousal through watching other people
-sexually aroused through rubbing up against an unwilling person usually in a crowded place
-sexual arousal from interacting with a corpse
-sexual arousal from wearing the clothing of the opposite sex
-social characteristics for masculinity or femininity
gender stereotypes
-strongly held ideas of the characteristics of men and women
-prejudice about males and/or females
differential socialization
no two people are raised the same
How widespread is the influence of gender on all human interactions?
-very widespread
What shapes our interaction patterns?
-location in society
impression management
-people create specific images
two worlds approach
-women and men do gender differently because they have been socialized
gender perspective approach
-gender is not a stable property
individual dimension
-how a person learns gender
interactional dimension
-the ways in which people do gender
institutional dimension
-the ways that gender is organized in institutions
socio-cultural dimension:
-overall approach
What drives social life?
-biological imperatives
What are instrumental tasks?
-tasks carried out outside the home
What are expressive tasks?
-tasks carried out inside the home
Why is marriage important in structural-functionalism?
-foundational institution for making and raising babies
-belief that women and men are equal
liberal feminism
-inequality caused by a lack of equal opportunity
socialist feminism
-gender is a source of social inequality
radical feminism
-equality between the sexes can be achieved through the abolition of male supremacy
gendered order
-differential treatment individuals are accorded because of their sex
gender identity
-the self and their sense of masculinity and femininity
gender socialization
-the process of acquiring a gendered identity
Why do issues relating to sex and gender matter?
-because all societies regulate sexual activity
Names of the researchers who studied sexual behavior (3)
- Alfred Kinsey
- Masters and Johnson
- Janus and Janus
List 2 of 3 of the factors for sexual dysfunctions
- organic factors
- sociocultural factors
- psychological factors
List 2 of the forms of Feminism (4)
- liberal feminism
- socialist feminism
- radical feminism
- maternal feminism