SOC388 - 6. Goffman/Ebaugh Flashcards
scripts: basic structure of interaction
improv most common theatric form
we need to make sure we don’t make distinction betw honest and dishonest - we are always performing
complete honesty or dishonesty may not even be dramaturgically advisable
if we’re completely honest or dishonest, we aren’t meeting expectations of others
breaking social norms leads to breaking social order
Dramatic Realization
actor, in order to present a compelling front, is forced to both fill the duties of the social role and communicate the activities and characteristics in a consistent manner.
“dramatic realization”, is predicated upon the activities of “impression management,”
Impression Management
control (or lack of control) and communication of information through the performance
Believability is constructed in terms of verbal signification, which is used by the actor to establish intent, and non-verbal signification, which is used by the audience to verify the honesty of statements made by the individual.
Project Definition of Situation
Interaction – Definition of Situation + Projected Identity
we agree to definition of situation
we make decisions – sometimes we get the chance to define the situation
control the conversation - their time is worth more
Project Definition of Situation
controlling diagnosis
other than doctor’s office, touching intimate parts is sexual definition
casual talk defines situation as doctor’s examination and not sexual encounter
Project Definition of Situation
info about indiv helps define situation to know in advance what to expect from them
strippers in front stage comfortable in naked
backstage put clothes on – defines situation as unavailable for viewing
front is fixed, allowing for others to understand the individual on the basis of projected character traits that have normative meanings.
“collective representation,” the front establishes proper “setting,” “appearance,” and “manner” for the social role assumed by the actor, uniting interactive behavior with the personal front
tell us social status – costume
physical environment
projecting positive qualities and hide negative qualities
impression that we have in the moment in the interaction is the most important role for us
“idealized” version of the front, more consistent with the norms, mores, and laws of society than the behavior of the actor when not before an audience