SOC388 - 3. Mead Flashcards
Hard to separate group + self
Capacity to think comes from social
First one to study connection betw self + society
Interconnectedness betw 2
One could not be understood without the other
Looking glass self
develop sense of self in relation to others
2 implications:
develop sense of self in terms of how I think you perceive me
always comparing ourselves to others
can only understand ourselves in relation to others
smarter than other person
Self + Society
child develop me faster than I
make distinction in relation to others - this is mine
not in terms of psychology or personality, but in terms of ideas
what makes both self and society, and its relationship is ideas
three stages of the looking glass self
- Imagine appearance to others
- imagine judgement of others to our appearance
- Self-feeling
three stages of the looking glass self
sense of self develops through interactions
internalization of what we think others think of us
develops through social
Mead interested in how ideas objectified in the world
explaining behaviours – expression through actions/conduct, ideas represented by observable actions
start with objective and then make inferences of mind
Pragmatism: philosophical, Pragma = practice
explaining regular habitual actions
actions understood as response to an object
Significant Symbols
things that have meaning that is always shared in a social context
presence in behaviour of significant symbols
get at my mind through my behaviour
behaviour: stuff we can see
Conversation of Gestures
Gestures: act, words, transmitted through communication
learn gestures, meaning arises out of gesture
have the same conversation of gestures in our minds
structure of conversation same in our minds
Conversation of Gestures
we don’t do it consciously because it’s internalized
is reaction automatic or conscious?
usually an automatic response
imagining reactions – conversation of gestures occurs in the mind also
Conversation of Gestures
anticipate their reactions
social process – same form in social world as inside
self is social in structure even if not necessarily in content
what’s intrinsically social is that conversation of gestures that is the same outside and inside our head
Self Consciousness
capacity to be self conscious – being aware of self in third person
to see self as both subject and object
objective in nonpersonal way – objective in way that others see me
Self Consciousness
Object – see ourselves in an impersonal way – without affect
capacity to see ourselves as object developed through interaction with others
Self – I
how we react, can’t predict how we react
through I we shape society because those are our actions
can’t understand I until after the action is taken
Self – Me
generalized other internalized
Me regulates I, but we aren’t always complacent
Self – I and Me
many times me is regulating – society is possible
but the I can also have control
I can act in ways that are unexpected which is the cause of change in society
Self – I and Me
conversation between I and Me – social interaction in our behaviour
conversation in our mind
Stages of Development of Self
Play – taking on different roles, one role at a time, one person at a time
internalizing meaning
Stages of Development of Self
Game – generalize ppl’s actions based on other ppl’s roles
even if people change, you generalize what they are gonna do
Generalized other
general understanding of other’s ppl’s ideas
perception of generalized other will shape how we see ourselves as an object
we can never see ourselves objectively, we can only see ourselves as an object – an impersonal way – how I think others see me