SOC test 7 Flashcards
`A more perefect Union time period
(1775 - 1825)
What do we recite every morning?
The pledge of Aleigence
What is the Article of Confederaton known as:
the frst and worst form of government
What did the 13 states want?
A wrtten plan of government to unify them.(a constitution)
A confederation:
a league or alliance of states working for a common
Why was the articles of confederation drawn up?
to serve as a constitution
What are the branches in ths the governemnt (articles of conf)
1.legslative - to make laws
2.Governer - to enforce laws
3. Court system - to explain laws
What were each states responcibilities in the A.O.C:
TO control taxes and to compose its own Bill of Rights.
What else did each state need to do in the A.O.C
To mint and regulate their own money
What did the A.O.C create?
13 different countries
What did the northwest Ordinance create?
A single territory out of lands north of the ohio river
After the lands in the north of the ohio river was dvided into 3-5 territories after pop. reaches 60,000 in those territories what would happen? and what did this pave the way for?
They could apply for statehood and this paved the wat for settlement (free land) and expansion.
What happend after the revolution?
America fell into economic depression
Shays rebelllion time period.
As a result of Americas war debts what did the states impose?
States imposed high taxes on farmers and if the faremrs didnt have the money their land was foreclosed
Who was Daniel Shays and what did he do?
Daniel Shays was a former patriot solder and now farmer who led 1000 farmers toward the federal armory in Springfield Mass.
The Govt. was unable to do what during Shays Rebellion?
They wer unable to stop him and had to readie a miltia that finnaly put down the rebellion
During the A.O.C how was the Goverment?
It was weakand needed to be revamped and made powerful
ALthough the Revolution and the D of I gave independence to the 13 colones it did not make it what?
a unified nation
What did the foundng fathers agree on to decide on changes to the Articles
They agreed to meet n a convention
How many delegates from all the states attended the convention
55 delegates including George Washington to char mtg and Ben Franklin.
What was each state tasked with during the convention.
They were tasked with coming with its plan for governing and a majority vote would be taken.
What did the Virginia plan state by JAmes Madison
A govt with a strong
central govt. With a 2 house legislature and an executive
chosen by the leg. Additionally, a court system. All would
be chosen by the population of the state (gave larger
states more power)
What did the New Jersey Plan state by Wlliam Patterson?
A Legislature
with one vote from each state regardless of pop. It
provided for a weak central Government.
Federalist vs. Anit federalst
The CC had split into two
sides on how to makeup the new Govt. Those who
favored a strong Central Govt. and those against.
Roger Sherman was given the task of what?
of resolving the
two sides (large states backing the Virginia Plan and
smaller states backing the NJ Plan).
What was the two house legislature like?
lower house (House of Representatives) based on
population. The upper house (Senate) would have 2
reps from each state.
The 3/5 Compromise-
In southern states slaves would
be counted that being every 5 slaves would count as 3
people in representation.
On what date did the delegates offcially sighn and adopt the constitution?
SEPT. 17, 1789
What are Federal powers?
(Powers specifically reserved for the FED. GOVT.)
also called “DELEGATED POWERS”
What are the federal powers
- Declare war and make peace, organize and raise armed forces and
call up a state militia. - Control relations between the US and other nations.
- Regulate trade with Native Americans, states and foreign nations.
- Borrow money to pay the nation’s expenses.
- Tax the people directly
- Coin all specie $ and regulate its value.
- Organize a Natl. court system (Supreme Court).
- Govern the capitol city and territories
*Necessary and proper clause Def
Do anything not definitely stated, that is
necessary to carry out any of the powers that are mentioned.
What are reserved powers?
These are powers specifically reserved for individual states
The constitutonal Congress was careful to dvide the power so the states would not be swallowed up by the what?
Federal Govt.
Powers not specifically given to the federal govt.
- Establish local governments
- Establish Schools
- Regulate state trade/commerce
- Marriages
- Establish corporations
These are powers that both the FEDS and STATES share.
The shares powers:
- Impose taxes
- Establish courts
- Establish banks
- Borrow money
- Provide welfare
Where does the federal Goverment gets its powers from?
How many branches is the govt split up int and waht are they?
They are split up nto three braches. The Legislative, The judcial, and the executive branch
The executve branch powers:
The president to enforce the
laws, leads the country surrounded by his cabinet of
advisors, agencies and is the commander in chief of
the military. He can also veto laws passed by congress
The legislative Branch powers
Congress made up of two parts
(houses) to make laws. The upper house(Senate) with
two Senators from each state. The lower house
(Congress) members derived by population of states.
The Judicial Branch powers:
The Supreme court to explain
laws. Judges are chosen by President and approved by
Congress to a lifetime position.
To prevent any one branch of goverment from getting too much power what did the framers establish?
They established a system of “checks and balances”
What does each branch have the power of?
The have the power to check the other two branches therefor limiting its power
What does the stystem of checks and balances maintain?
a balance of power
What Unalenable right to all Americans did the framers of the const. provide?
What is the amedment process?
a way to add to our first ten amendment that deal soley with our indivsual rights
whst is the bill of rights?
the first ten ammendments
How many ammendments are there n total
When the federal Govt. needed money to be raised for their war debt. a tax was imposed on what?
Whiskey (made from excess grains by PA farmers)
Farmers relied on revenue on sale of whiskey to do what?
to offset the drop in need for grain.
Farmers banded together and refused to do what?
they refused to pay taxes
How many farmers banded together?
about 300
After the farmers banded together what did they decied to do?
They decided to arm themselves and destroy the local tax collecters building.
What did George washington must do in reataliation to the whiskey rebellion?
He must show the new nation the streangth of the new govt
What did George Washington actuallly do in retalation to the whiskey rebellion
He mobilzed the Continental Army and sends Aprox. 1300 solders to put down the rebellion
How is the whiskey rebellion put down?
With without a shot being fired
in the election of 1796 what happend for the first time?
canidates sought offce as members of rival parties.
Who dd the federalist nominate in 1796
John adams for prez and Charles pickley for vice
Who dd the anti federalists nominate
Jefferson for prez and Aron burr for vice
Who won and how many votes did each canidate get?
Adam won with 71 electoral votes votes and Jefferson lost with 68 electoral votes
Where was the streangth Republican streangth?
In the south
Where was federalist streangth
n the north