SOC test 6 Flashcards
Revolution time period
1775 - 1783
“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country”
Patriot Spy - Nathan Hale
What did many of the cols. think was the only option for them?
To break away from England
Who wrote the Panflet “Common Sence”?
Thomas Paine
After the second C.C what did the cols. decide?
They decided to officially break away from England and A committe was appointed to make the decleration of Independence lead by Thomas Jefferson
What are the four important things the D.O.I state?
- Expressed new ideas of the rights of man.
- Proclaimed “All men created equal”
- Adopted by Congress July 4, 1776
What did both the patriots and the british think about the war?
They thought it would be short
The Britsh defniltey should have won because of what?
Muhc superior army, navy, and economy.
What advanteges did the patriots have?
They fought for their familys and they fought on home turf
Who were the loyalists and tories?
Colonists who were still loyal to the king. One in five americans were stll loyal to the crown.
Who were the Hessians
The Hessians were hired german mercenaries from Germany. These Hessians were professional soldiers.
Who was given command of the new continental army?
George Washington
What was the C.C two jobs?
write the decleration of independence and raise money and suplies for the war. They were always short of money and suples.
The battle of Bunker Hill
June 1775, The Americans occupy Bunker Hll and Breeds Hill overlookng Boston. The Britsh soldiers attack in waves. The Patrots started running out of ammunition “Dont fire, until u see the whites of their eyes”. Because of low ammunition they retreat. Even though they didnt win it showed that the patriots are willing to fight and die for the cause.
Fort Ticonderoga
Ethan Allen and green mountain boys seize the for n crown point NY for cannons
Where does Ethan Allen takes his cannons
To boston so he can liberate the city
Trenton 1776
Washington escapes to NJ and
surprise attacks the Hessians at Trenton early am on December 26. He captures over 1000 Hessians.
The Americans msson to recruit France.
Since France was Englands long term enemy “The enemy of my enemy is my frend”.
Who was sent to recruit France for them to commit troops, supplies and its navy.
Ben Frankln
who arrives with soldiers and fleet of ships
to help the Patriot cause?
The Marquis de Lafayette
Baron Von Steuben
“The Prussian Drill Master” arrives
in America to help train the new patriot army at Valley Forge.
What usually happend in the winter.
War would stop until spring because of the conditons.
Where did General Howes force winter?
Where did Washington winter
Valley Forge (20 miles away from philly)
While the British enjoyed warm beds, hot food and plentiful
supplies. What were the patriots doing?
the patriots suffered in the cold in tents and “lean-to’s”
What bad things were happening at valley Forge
The patriots suffered greatly from lack of food and supplies (many
even died), many deserted.
What good things were happening at valley Forge.
Von Steuben worked hard at training the army and by spring along
with an alliance with France the Continental Army was strong and
battle tested.
which british general marched his troops from forts
in Canada to Saratoga, New York in hopes of meeting
up with other factions of the British army and then to
attack the patriots.
General Burgoyne
Burgoyne was
surrounded by the Continental army with no resupply. How did this happen?
The other british forcesnever showed.
After several lost battles what is Burgoyne forced to do?
he is forced to surrender
his force of approx. 6,000 soldiers to American General
Gates (September 1777).
This victory over Burgoyne at Sartoga showed what?
A turning point and how it truly showed resolve of th epatrot cause. Foreighn nations began offering aide, money, weapons
and other assistance
When did the battle of York Town take place.
What was Lord Conrwallis doing with the main force of the british army?
Marching them to Virginia
Where does The british main force and Cornwallis take defensive poistions?
Yorktown peninsula with the sea at their backs
awaiting resupply and possible retreat.
What does a French fleet off the Chesapeake Bay do ?
They close off the entrance to the bay and Cornwallis’s escape.
What classc battle tactic was cornwallis caught up in
the Hammer and Anvl tactic.
What was the Battle of York Town considered?
The edn of the war.
The treaty of Paris date?
What are some very important things to come out of the Treaty of Paris
- The war officially ends.
- England will recognize the US as an independent nation…
- The US stretches from the Atlantic to the Mississippi.
- The US has travel rights from France to use the Miss.
What tactic dd the Amercans use throughout the war?
“guerrilla” tactics.
What were the reasons why the Americans were succesfull
.The Americans fought at home while the British had to send troops from far way
.”guerrilla” tactcs
* The war became to costly for the British to maintain.
Where did the ideas from the American Dec. of Inds spread
spread to Europe
(Liberty, Equality and Fraternity).
What revolution was inspired by the Amercan one.
The french revolt against their king (1789)