Snow Queen - Thou Wert Right, Little Dove (p. 460) Flashcards
heap (up) v. /hiːp/
to put things in an untidy pile v.
Ex.: Rocks were heaped up on the side of the road.
Ex.2: She looked at the vegetables heaped on the table.
to put things in an untidy pile v.
heap (up) v. /hiːp/
Ex.: Rocks were heaped up on the side of the road.
Ex.2: She looked at the vegetables heaped on the table.
cloak n. /kləʊk/
[count] a type of coat that has no arms, fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders, worn especially in the past n.
Ex.: She stormed off, her cloak flying behind her.
Ex.2: She threw a heavy cloak over her shoulders.
Ex.3: a flowing black cloak
[count] a type of coat that has no arms, fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders, worn especially in the past n.
cloak n. /kləʊk/
Ex.: She stormed off, her cloak flying behind her.
Ex.2: She threw a heavy cloak over her shoulders.
Ex.3: a flowing black cloak
apt a. /æpt/
likely or tending naturally to do st / propenso, suscetível a.
Ex.: apt to be forgetful/careless
Ex.2: Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.
likely or tending naturally to do st / propenso, suscetível a.
apt a. /æpt/
Ex.: apt to be forgetful/careless
Ex.2: Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.
so as to do st v.
with the intention of doing something v.
Ex.: We went early so as to get good seats.
with the intention of doing something v.
so as to do st v.
Ex.: We went early so as to get good seats.
vagabond n. /ˈvæɡəbɑːnd/
(old-fashioned, disapproving) a person who has no home or job and who travels from place to place n.
Ex.: beggars, rogues and vagabonds
(old-fashioned, disapproving) a person who has no home or job and who travels from place to place n.
vagabond n. /ˈvæɡəbɑːnd/
Ex.: beggars, rogues and vagabonds
reel v. /riːl/
[int] to move in a very unsteady way, for example because you are drunk or have been hit v.
Ex.: I punched him on the chin, sending him reeling backwards.
Ex.2: She was reeling after several glasses of wine.
Ex.3: He reeled under the blow.
[int] to move in a very unsteady way, for example because you are drunk or have been hit v.
reel v. /riːl/
Ex.: I punched him on the chin, sending him reeling backwards.
Ex.2: She was reeling after several glasses of wine.
Ex.3: He reeled under the blow.
alehouse n. /ˈeɪlhaʊs/
(Br, old-fashioned) a place where people used to drink beer n.
(Br, old-fashioned) a place where people used to drink beer n.
alehouse n. /ˈeɪlhaʊs/
pack v.
[int, trans] to fill st with a lot of people or things v.
Ex.: We all packed together into one car.
Ex.2: Fans packed the hall to see the band.
Ex.3: Pack wet shoes with newspaper to help them dry.
[int, trans] to fill st with a lot of people or things v.
pack v.
Ex.: We all packed together into one car.
Ex.2: Fans packed the hall to see the band.
Ex.3: Pack wet shoes with newspaper to help them dry.
scum n. /skʌm/
[unc, plural] (informal, offensive) an offensive word for people who you think are very bad / escória n.
Ex.: Don’t waste your sympathy on scum like that.
Ex.2: Drug dealers are the scum of the earth (= the worst people there are).
[unc, plural] (informal, offensive) an offensive word for people who you think are very bad / escória n.
scum n. /skʌm/
Ex.: Don’t waste your sympathy on scum like that.
Ex.2: Drug dealers are the scum of the earth (= the worst people there are).
utter v. /ˈʌtər/
(formal) to make a sound with your voice; to say st / pronunciar, proferir, dizer v.
Ex.: He uttered a great cry of anger.
Ex.2: She did not utter a word during lunch (= said nothing).
Ex.3: My mother hardly uttered a word the entire afternoon.
(formal) to make a sound with your voice; to say st / pronunciar, proferir, dizer v.
utter v. /ˈʌtər/
Ex.: He uttered a great cry of anger.
Ex.2: She did not utter a word during lunch (= said nothing).
Ex.3: My mother hardly uttered a word the entire afternoon.
hie v. /haɪ/
[int] (old use) to go quickly v.
[int] (old use) to go quickly v.
hie v. /haɪ/
look out v.
used to warn sb to be careful, especially when there is danger; watch out v.
Ex.: Look out! There’s a car coming.
used to warn sb to be careful, especially when there is danger; watch out v.
look out v.
Ex.: Look out! There’s a car coming.
witch n.
an offensive word for an unpleasant woman n.
Ex.: She’s a whiskey witch!
an offensive word for an unpleasant woman n.
witch n.
Ex.: She’s a whiskey witch!
urchin n. /ˈɜːrtʃɪn/
(old-fashioned) a young child who is poor and dirty, often one who has no home n.
Ex.: a dirty little street urchin
(old-fashioned) a young child who is poor and dirty, often one who has no home n.
urchin n. /ˈɜːrtʃɪn/
Ex.: a dirty little street urchin
jostle v. /ˈdʒɑːsl/
[trans, int] to push roughly against sb in a crowd v.
Ex.: The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.
Ex.2: People were jostling, arguing and complaining.
[trans, int] to push roughly against sb in a crowd v.
jostle v. /ˈdʒɑːsl/
Ex.: The visiting president was jostled by angry demonstrators.
Ex.2: People were jostling, arguing and complaining.
headlong ad.
with the head first and the rest of the body following ad.
Ex.: She fell headlong into the icy pool.
with the head first and the rest of the body following ad.
headlong ad.
Ex.: She fell headlong into the icy pool.
oath n. /əʊθ/
(old-fashioned) an offensive word or phrase used to express anger, surprise, etc.; a swear word n.
Ex.: She heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by a muttered oath.
(old-fashioned) an offensive word or phrase used to express anger, surprise, etc.; a swear word n.
oath n. /əʊθ/
Ex.: She heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by a muttered oath.
snowflake n.
(informal, disapproving) an offensive word for a person who you think expects special treatment or is too sensitive to criticism and easily upset n.
(informal, disapproving) an offensive word for a person who you think expects special treatment or is too sensitive to criticism and easily upset n.
snowflake n.
creep v. /kriːp/
[int] (of people or animals) to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard v.
Ex.: I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.
Ex.2: I heard someone creeping around the house.
[int] (of people or animals) to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard v.
creep v. /kriːp/
Ex.: I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.
Ex.2: I heard someone creeping around the house.
rag n. /ræɡ/
[count, unc] a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things / pano de chão, trapo n.
Ex.: I wiped the window with a damp rag.
Ex.2: Use a piece of old rag.
[count, unc] a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things / pano de chão, trapo n.
rag n. /ræɡ/
Ex.: I wiped the window with a damp rag.
Ex.2: Use a piece of old rag.
lash v. /læʃ/
[int, trans] to hit sb/st with great force v.
Ex.: The rain lashed at the windows.
Ex.2: Branches lashed at my face.
Ex.3: Huge waves lashed the shore.
[int, trans] to hit sb/st with great force v.
lash v. /læʃ/
Ex.: The rain lashed at the windows.
Ex.2: Branches lashed at my face.
Ex.3: Huge waves lashed the shore.
drive v.
[transitive] to force sb/st to move in a particular direction v.
Ex.: to drive sheep into a field
Ex.2: The enemy was driven back.
[transitive] to force sb/st to move in a particular direction v.
drive v.
Ex.: to drive sheep into a field
Ex.2: The enemy was driven back.
(Am.) curbstone (Br.) kerbstone n. /ˈkɜːrbstəʊn/
a block of stone or concrete in a curb (meio-fio) n.
a block of stone or concrete in a curb (meio-fio) n.
(Am.) curbstone (Br.) kerbstone n. /ˈkɜːrbstəʊn/
eaves n. /iːvz/
[plural] the lower edges of a roof that stick out over the walls / beiral n.
Ex.: birds nesting under the eaves
Ex.2: overhanging eaves
[plural] the lower edges of a roof that stick out over the walls / beiral n.
eaves n. /iːvz/
Ex.: birds nesting under the eaves
Ex.2: overhanging eaves
deserted pron.
sob v. /sɑːb/
[int] to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths v.
Ex.: I heard a child sobbing loudly.
Ex.2: He started to sob uncontrollably.
[int] to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths v.
sob v. /sɑːb/
Ex.: I heard a child sobbing loudly.
Ex.2: He started to sob uncontrollably.
wail v.
[trans, int] to cry or complain about something in a loud high voice; moan v.
Ex.: The cat was wailing to be let out.
Ex.2: ‘It’s broken,’ she wailed.
Ex.3: There’s no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.
[trans, int] to cry or complain about something in a loud high voice; moan v.
wail v.
Ex.: The cat was wailing to be let out.
Ex.2: ‘It’s broken,’ she wailed.
Ex.3: There’s no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.
hazy a. /ˈheɪzi/
(of a person) uncertain or confused about st / turvo, confuso a.
Ex.: I’m a little hazy about what to do next.
(of a person) uncertain or confused about st / turvo, confuso a.
hazy a. /ˈheɪzi/
Ex.: I’m a little hazy about what to do next.
draw v.
[trans] to move st/sb by pulling it or them gently v.
Ex.: He drew the cork out of the bottle.
Ex.2: I drew my chair up closer to the fire.
Ex.3: She drew me onto the balcony.
Ex.4: I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately).
Ex.5: She sat with her legs drawn up on the sofa.
[trans] to move st/sb by pulling it or them gently v.
draw v.
Ex.: He drew the cork out of the bottle.
Ex.2: I drew my chair up closer to the fire.
Ex.3: She drew me onto the balcony.
Ex.4: I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately).
Ex.5: She sat with her legs drawn up on the sofa.
worn a. /wɔːrn/
[usually before noun] (of a thing) damaged or thinner than normal because it is old and has been used a lot / gasto a.
Ex.: an old pair of worn jeans
Ex.2: The stone steps were worn and broken.
Ex.3: The tapestry is still valuable in spite of its worn condition.
[usually before noun] (of a thing) damaged or thinner than normal because it is old and has been used a lot / gasto a.
worn a. /wɔːrn/
Ex.: an old pair of worn jeans
Ex.2: The stone steps were worn and broken.
Ex.3: The tapestry is still valuable in spite of its worn condition.
shawl n. /ʃɔːl/
a large piece of cloth worn around the shoulders or head, or wrapped around a baby / xale, manto n.
Ex.: Ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.
a large piece of cloth worn around the shoulders or head, or wrapped around a baby / xale, manto n.
shawl n. /ʃɔːl/
Ex.: Ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.
wear away v.
to become, or make st become, gradually thinner or smoother through continuous use or rubbing v.
Ex.: The inscription on the coin had worn away.
Ex.2: The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.
to become, or make st become, gradually thinner or smoother through continuous use or rubbing v.
wear away v.
Ex.: The inscription on the coin had worn away.
Ex.2: The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.
covering n. /ˈkʌvərɪŋ/
a layer of st that covers st else / cobertura, camada n.
Ex.: a thick covering of snow on the ground
a layer of st that covers st else / cobertura, camada n.
covering n. /ˈkʌvərɪŋ/
Ex.: a thick covering of snow on the ground