Snow Queen - The Cat On The Dovrefell (p. 487) Flashcards
Finnmark n.
a county (condado) in the extreme northeastern part of Norway n.
a county (condado) in the extreme northeastern part of Norway n.
Finnmark n.
fall out v.
to happen; occur v.
Ex.: It fell out that we met by chance weeks later.
to happen; occur v.
fall out v.
Ex.: It fell out that we met by chance weeks later.
Dovrefjell n.
A mountain range in Central Norway that forms a natural barrier between Eastern Norway and Trøndelag n.
A mountain range in Central Norway that forms a natural barrier between Eastern Norway and Trøndelag n.
Dovrefjell n.
houseroom n. /ˈhaʊsruːm/, /ˈhaʊsrʊm/
[unc] space in a house for sb/st n.
Ex.: Most of the furniture is so ugly, you wouldn’t give it houseroom.
[unc] space in a house for sb/st n.
houseroom n. /ˈhaʊsruːm/, /ˈhaʊsrʊm/
Ex.: Most of the furniture is so ugly, you wouldn’t give it houseroom.
flit v. /flɪt/
[int] to move lightly and quickly from one place or thing to another / esvoaçar v.
Ex.: Butterflies flitted from flower to flower.
Ex.2: He flits from one job to another.
Ex.3: A smile flitted across his face.
Ex.4: A thought flitted through my mind.
[int] to move lightly and quickly from one place or thing to another / esvoaçar v.
flit v. /flɪt/
Ex.: Butterflies flitted from flower to flower.
Ex.2: He flits from one job to another.
Ex.3: A smile flitted across his face.
Ex.4: A thought flitted through my mind.
so much as ad.
even ad.
Ex.: He sat down without so much as a word to anyone.
even ad.
so much as ad.
Ex.: He sat down without so much as a word to anyone.
to say nothing of i.
Used to mention an additional thing which gives even more strength to the point you are making; and in addition there is i.
Ex.: Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems.
Ex.2: It would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the cost.i.
Used to mention an additional thing which gives even more strength to the point you are making; and in addition there is i.
to say nothing of i.
Ex.: Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems.
Ex.2: It would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the cost.i.
come on/upon v.
[no passive] (formal) to meet or find sb/st by chance v.
Ex.: They came down upon us.
[no passive] (formal) to meet or find sb/st by chance v.
come on/upon v.
Ex.: They came down upon us.
yonder ad. /ˈjɑːndər/
(old use or dialect) over there ad.
Ex.: Whose is that farm over yonder?
Ex.2: She lives in that town yonder.
(old use or dialect) over there ad.
yonder ad. /ˈjɑːndər/
Ex.: Whose is that farm over yonder?
Ex.2: She lives in that town yonder.
leave n.
(formal) official permission to do st n.
Ex.: to be absent without leave
Ex.2: The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence.
Ex.3: They sought special leave (= leave for particular reasons that apply just to this case) to appeal.
Ex.4: She asked for leave of absence (= permission to be away from work) to attend a funeral.
Ex.5: He applied for leave to remain in the United Kingdom.
(formal) official permission to do st n.
leave n.
Ex.: to be absent without leave
Ex.2: The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence.
Ex.3: They sought special leave (= leave for particular reasons that apply just to this case) to appeal.
Ex.4: She asked for leave of absence (= permission to be away from work) to attend a funeral.
Ex.5: He applied for leave to remain in the United Kingdom.
lye n. /laɪ/
[unc] a strongly alkaline chemical used in various industrial processes, including washing / lixívia n.
[unc] a strongly alkaline chemical used in various industrial processes, including washing / lixívia n.
lye n. /laɪ/
pussy n. /ˈpʊsi/
(plural pussies) a child’s word for a cat n.
(plural pussies) a child’s word for a cat n.
pussy n. /ˈpʊsi/
what is more i.
used to add a point that is even more important i.
Ex.: You’re wrong, and what’s more you know it!
used to add a point that is even more important i.
what is more i.
Ex.: You’re wrong, and what’s more you know it!
fierce a. /fɪrs/
(especially of people or animals) angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening / feroz a.
Ex.: a fierce dog
Ex.2: Two fierce eyes glared at them.
Ex.3: He suddenly looked fierce.
Ex.4: She spoke in a fierce whisper.
Ex.5: The more she struggled, the fiercer he became.
(especially of people or animals) angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening / feroz a.
fierce a. /fɪrs/
Ex.: a fierce dog
Ex.2: Two fierce eyes glared at them.
Ex.3: He suddenly looked fierce.
Ex.4: She spoke in a fierce whisper.
Ex.5: The more she struggled, the fiercer he became.
bawl out v. /bɔːl/
(informal) to speak angrily to sb because they have done st wrong v.
Ex.: The teacher bawled him out for being late.
(informal) to speak angrily to sb because they have done st wrong v.
bawl out v. /bɔːl/
Ex.: The teacher bawled him out for being late.
brose n. /broʊz/
(Scottish English) a dish made by mixing oatmeal (= crushed oats) with hot water, milk, or stock (= a liquid made by boiling meat or vegetables in water) n.
Ex.: Scotch beef brose is made by boiling oatmeal in meat liquor.
(Scottish English) a dish made by mixing oatmeal (= crushed oats) with hot water, milk, or stock (= a liquid made by boiling meat or vegetables in water) n.
brose n. /broʊz/
Ex.: Scotch beef brose is made by boiling oatmeal in meat liquor.