Snow Queen - Introduction Flashcards
Fashion v.
to make or shape something, especially with your hands v.
Ex.: She fashioned a pot from/out of the clay.
Ex.2: She fashioned the clay into a pot.
Ex.3: It was fashioned by him.
to make or shape something, especially with your hands v.
Fashion v.
Ex.: She fashioned a pot from the clay.
Ex.2: She fashioned the clay into a pot.
Ex.3: It was fashioned by him.
splinter v. /ˈsplɪntər/
(of wood, glass, stone, etc.) to break, or to make something break, into small, thin, sharp pieces; shatter v.
Ex.: The mirror cracked but did not splinter.
Ex.2: The vase splintered into a thousand pieces.
Ex.3: The impact splintered the wood.
Ex.4: She could hear the talons shredding and splintering the wood.
(of wood, glass, stone, etc.) to break, or to make something break, into small, thin, sharp pieces; shatter v.
splinter v. /ˈsplɪntər/
Ex.: The mirror cracked but did not splinter.
Ex.2: The vase splintered into a thousand pieces.
Ex.3: The impact splintered the wood.
Ex.4: She could hear the talons shredding and splintering the wood.
lump n. /lʌmp/
a piece of st hard or solid, usually without a particular shape n.
Ex.: a lump of coal/cheese/wood
Ex.2: This sauce has lumps in it.
a piece of st hard or solid, usually without a particular shape n.
lump n. /lʌmp/
Ex.: a lump of coal/cheese/wood
Ex.2: This sauce has lumps in it.
lodge v.
to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make st become fixed or stuck somewhere v.
Ex.: One of the bullets lodged in his chest.
Ex.2: She lodged the number firmly in her mind.
Ex.3: The letter was safely lodged in his inside pocket.
to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make st become fixed or stuck somewhere v.
lodge v.
Ex.: One of the bullets lodged in his chest.
Ex.2: She lodged the number firmly in her mind.
Ex.3: The letter was safely lodged in his inside pocket.
disdainful a. /dɪsˈdeɪnfl/
showing the feeling that sb/st is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention a.
Ex.: She’s always been disdainful of people who haven’t been to college.
showing the feeling that sb/st is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention a.
disdainful a. /dɪsˈdeɪnfl/
Ex.: She’s always been disdainful of people who haven’t been to college.
numb v.
to make sb unable to react or to show emotion, often because of an extreme shock; entorpecer v.
Ex.: a nation numbed by political scandal
to make sb unable to react or to show emotion, often because of an extreme shock; entorpecer v.
numb v.
Ex.: a nation numbed by political scandal
set the stage for st i.
to make it possible for st to happen; to make st likely to happen
to create the conditions in which something is likely to happen i.
Ex.: The drivers’ demands were rejected, setting the stage for a prolonged transport strike.
Ex.2: Family problems in childhood can set the stage for stress in adult life.
Ex.3: The thrilling semi-finals set the stage for what should be a great game.
to make it possible for st to happen; to make st likely to happen i.
set the stage for st i.
Ex.: Family problems in childhood can set the stage for stress in adult life.
Ex.2: The thrilling semi-finals set the stage for what should be a great game.
that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable; fair a.
just a.
Ex.: a just decision/law/society
just a.
that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable; fair a.
Ex.: a just decision/law/society
not friendly; frosty a.
wintry a.
Ex.: a wintry smile
wintry a.
not friendly; frosty a.
Ex.: a wintry smile
the place and time at which the action of a play, novel, etc. takes place; cenário, ambiente n.
setting n.
Ex.: short stories with a contemporary setting
Ex.2: New York City is the setting of his new novel.
Ex.3: London has been used as the setting for many films.
Ex.4: The Scottish Highlands provide the settings for many of his stories.
setting n.
the place and time at which the action of a play, novel, etc. takes place; cenário, ambiente n.
Ex.: short stories with a contemporary setting
Ex.2: New York City is the setting of his new novel.
Ex.3: London has been used as the setting for many films.
Ex.4: The Scottish Highlands provide the settings for many of his stories.
Am. backdrop / Br. backcloth n.
everything that can be seen around an event or scene; pano de fundo, entorno n.
Ex.: The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.
everything that can be seen around an event or scene; pano de fundo, entorno n.
Am. backdrop / Br. backcloth n.
Ex.: The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.
personification n.
the practice of representing objects, qualities, etc. as humans, in art and literature; an object, quality, etc. that is represented in this way n.
Ex.: the personification of autumn in Keats’s poem
the practice of representing objects, qualities, etc. as humans, in art and literature; an object, quality, etc. that is represented in this way n.
personification n.
Ex.: the personification of autumn in Keats’s poem
prevalent pron.
(formal) to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, information, experiences, etc. v.
to produce a summary that contains only the most important ideas or pieces of information v.
distil v. /dɪˈstɪl/
Ex.: The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.
distil v. /dɪˈstɪl/
(formal) to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, information, experiences, etc. v.
To produce a summary that contains only the most important ideas or pieces of information v.
Ex.: The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.
pertinent pron.
- (of a place) cold and unfriendly and without pleasant features a.
- (of weather) very cold and grey a.
bleak a.
- a bleak landscape
- a bleak winter’s day
bleak a.
- (of a place) cold and unfriendly and without pleasant features a.
Ex.: a bleak landscape - (of weather) very cold and grey a.
Ex.: a bleak winter’s day
renewal pron.
Br. /rɪˈnjuːəl/
Am. /rɪˈnuːəl/
representado, descrito, retratado a.
depicted a.
depicted a.
representado, descrito, retratado a.
feature v.
to include a particular person or thing as a special feature v.
Ex.: The film features Cary Grant as a professor.
Ex.2: The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.
Ex.3: a new Star Wars movie featuring the original actors
Ex.4: The actress was featured on the cover of Time magazine last month.
Ex.5: Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.
to include a particular person or thing as a special feature v.
feature v.
Ex.: The film features Cary Grant as a professor.
Ex.2: The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.
Ex.3: a new Star Wars movie featuring the original actors
Ex.4: The actress was featured on the cover of Time magazine last month.
Ex.5: Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.
(Am.) dispatch / (Br.) despatch v. /dɪˈspætʃ/
(formal) to send sb/st somewhere, especially for a special purpose; enviar v.
Ex. :Troops have been dispatched to the area.
Ex.2: A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.
(formal) to send sb/st somewhere, especially for a special purpose; enviar v.
(Am.) dispatch / (Br.) despatch v. /dɪˈspætʃ/
Ex. :Troops have been dispatched to the area.
Ex.2: A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.
bratty a. /ˈbræti/
(informal, disapproving) (of a person, especially a child) badly behaved; malcriado a.
Ex.: a bratty kid
(informal, disapproving) (of a person, especially a child) badly behaved; malcriado a.
bratty a. /ˈbræti/
Ex.: a bratty kid
“and the like” i.
“and similar things”; “etcetera” i.
“and similar things”; “etcetera” i.
“and the like” i.
treat n. /triːt/
st very pleasant that sb can enjoy, especially st that you give sb or do for them; presente, deleite n.
St special that you do or buy for yourself or sb else n.
Ex.: When I was young chocolate was a treat.
Ex.2: We took the kids to the zoo as a special treat.
Ex.3: You’ve never been to this area before? Then you’re in for a real treat.
Ex.4: Let’s go out for lunch—my treat (= I will pay).
Ex.5: It’s a real treat to see you again.
Ex.6: As a special treat, we were allowed to stay up until midnight.
st very pleasant that sb can enjoy, especially st that you give sb or do for them; presente, deleite n.
St special that you do or buy for yourself or sb else n.
treat n. /triːt/
Ex.: When I was young chocolate was a treat.
Ex.2: We took the kids to the zoo as a special treat.
Ex.3: You’ve never been to this area before? Then you’re in for a real treat.
Ex.4: Let’s go out for lunch—my treat (= I will pay).
Ex.5: It’s a real treat to see you again.
Ex.6: As a special treat, we were allowed to stay up until midnight.
be endowed with st v. /ɪnˈdaʊ/
(formal) to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc.; agraciado, contemplado v.
Ex.: She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
Ex.2: The stones are believed to be endowed with magical powers.
(formal) to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc.; agraciado, contemplado v.
be endowed with st v.
Ex.: She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
Ex.2: The stones are believed to be endowed with magical powers.
appropriate pron.
reap v. /riːp/
to obtain st, especially st good, as a direct result of st that you have done; colher v.
Ex.: They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work.
Ex.2: The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy for packaging holidays.
to obtain st, especially st good, as a direct result of st that you have done; colher v.
reap v. /riːp/
Ex.: They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work.
Ex.2: The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy for packaging holidays.
dismal a. /ˈdɪzməl/
causing or showing the feeling of being sad; gloomy, miserable a.
Ex.: dismal conditions/surroundings/weather
Ex.2: Christmas will be dismal without the children.
causing or showing the feeling of being sad; gloomy, miserable a.
dismal a. /ˈdɪzməl/
Ex.: dismal conditions/surroundings/weather
Ex.2: Christmas will be dismal without the children.
guise n. /ɡaɪz/
a way in which sb/st appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it; disfarce n.
Ex.: The story appears in different guises in different cultures.
Ex.2: She had been invited to the conference in her guise as a professional counsellor.
Ex.3: His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.
a way in which sb/st appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it; disfarce n.
guise n. /ɡaɪz/
Ex.: The story appears in different guises in different cultures.
Ex.2: She had been invited to the conference in her guise as a professional counsellor.
Ex.3: His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.
malevolent a. /məˈlevələnt/
(formal) having or showing a desire to harm other people; malicious, wicked a.
Ex.: malevolent intentions/thoughts
Ex.2: his dark malevolent eyes
(formal) having or showing a desire to harm other people; malicious, wicked a.
malevolent a. /məˈlevələnt/
Ex.: malevolent intentions/thoughts
Ex.2: his dark malevolent eyes
saw (away) (at st) v.
to move st backward and forward on st as if using a saw v.
Ex.: She sawed away at her violin.
to move st backward and forward on st v.
saw (away) (at st) v.
Ex.: She sawed away at her violin.
collapse pron.
wreak v. /riːk/
(formal) to do great damage or harm to sb/st; causar caos, causar estragos v.
Ex.: Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy.
Ex.2: He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.
(formal) to do great damage or harm to sb/st; causar caos, causar estragos v.
wreak v. /riːk/
Ex.: Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy.
Ex.2: He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.
mischief n. /ˈmɪstʃɪf/
(formal) harm or injury that is done to sb or to their reputation / dano, prejuízo n.
Ex.: The incident caused a great deal of political mischief.
(formal) harm or injury that is done to sb or to their reputation / dano, prejuízo n.
mischief n. /ˈmɪstʃɪf/
Ex.: The incident caused a great deal of political mischief.
(formal) a task or period of work n.
labor n.
Ex.: He was so exhausted from the day’s labors that he went straight to bed.
Ex.2: People look forward to enjoying the fruits of their labors during retirement.
labor n.
(formal) a task or period of work n.
Ex.: He was so exhausted from the day’s labors that he went straight to bed.
Ex.2: People look forward to enjoying the fruits of their labors during retirement.
anew ad. (Br.) /əˈnjuː/ (Am.) /əˈnuː/
(formal) to do st. again from the beginning or do it in a different way v.
Ex.: They started life anew in Canada.
(formal) to do st. again from the beginning or do it in a different way ad.
anew ad. (Br.) /əˈnjuː/ (Am.) /əˈnuː/
Ex.: They started life anew in Canada.
bear v.
(formal) to show st; to carry st so that it can be seen v.
Ex.: The document bore her signature.
Ex.2: He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.
Ex.3: She bears little resemblance to (= is not much like) her mother.
Ex.4: The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents.
(formal) to show st; to carry st so that it can be seen v.
bear v.
Ex.: The document bore her signature.
Ex.2: He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.
Ex.3: She bears little resemblance to (= is not much like) her mother.
Ex.4: The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents.
Yuletide n. /ˈjuːltaɪd/
(old use or literary) the period around Christmas Day n.
Ex.: Yuletide food and drink
(old use or literary) the period around Christmas Day n.
Yuletide n. /ˈjuːltaɪd/
Ex.: Yuletide food and drink
mingle v.
to move among people and talk to them, especially at a social event; circulate v.
Ex.: The princess was not recognized and mingled freely with the crowds.
Ex.2: If you’ll excuse me, I must go and mingle (= talk to other guests).
to move among people and talk to them, especially at a social event; circulate v.
mingle v.
Ex.: The princess was not recognized and mingled freely with the crowds.
Ex.2: If you’ll excuse me, I must go and mingle (= talk to other guests).
devious a. /ˈdiːviəs/
behaving in a dishonest or indirect way, or tricking people, in order to get st a.
Ex.: a devious politician
Ex.2: He got rich by devious means.
behaving in a dishonest or indirect way, or tricking people, in order to get st a.
devious a. /ˈdiːviəs/
Ex.: a devious politician
Ex.2: He got rich by devious means.
sexton n. /ˈsekstən/
a person whose job is to take care of a church and the area around it, ring the church bell, etc.; sacristão n.
a person whose job is to take care of a church and the area around it, ring the church bell, etc.; sacristão n.
sexton n. /ˈsekstən/
account n.
an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process n.
Ex.: the Biblical account of the creation of the world
an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process n.
account n.
Ex.: the Biblical account of the creation of the world
curmudgeonly a. /kɜːrˈmʌdʒənli/
(old-fashioned) easily annoyed a.
(old-fashioned) easily annoyed a.
curmudgeonly a. /kɜːrˈmʌdʒənli/
accost v. /əˈkɔːst/
(formal) to go up to sb and speak to them, especially in a way that is rude or frightening; abordar v.
Ex.: She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.
(formal) to go up to sb and speak to them, especially in a way that is rude or frightening; abordar v.
accost v. /əˈkɔːst/
Ex.: She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.
chastise v. /tʃæˈstaɪz/
- (formal) to criticize sb for doing st wrong v.
Ex.: He chastised the team for their lack of commitment. - (old-fashioned) to punish sb physically; beat v.
Ex.: Parents are no longer allowed to chastise their children as they did in the past.
- (formal) to criticize sb for doing st wrong v.
- (old-fashioned) to punish sb physically; beat v.
chastise v. /tʃæˈstaɪz/
- Ex.: He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.
- Ex.: Parents are no longer allowed to chastise their children as they did in the past.
horde n. /hɔːrd/
(sometimes disapproving) a large crowd of people n.
Ex.: There are always hordes of tourists here in the summer.
Ex.2: Football fans turned up in hordes.
Ex.3: He could see the infantry advancing in hordes across the open ground.
Ex.4: The elves defeated a huge horde of goblins.
(sometimes disapproving) a large crowd of people n.
horde n. /hɔːrd/
Ex.: There are always hordes of tourists here in the summer.
Ex.2: Football fans turned up in hordes.
Ex.3: He could see the infantry advancing in hordes across the open ground.
Ex.4: The elves defeated a huge horde of goblins.
forsake v. /fərˈseɪk/
(literary) to leave sb/st, especially when you have a responsibility to stay; abandon v.
Ex.: He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her.
(literary) to leave sb/st, especially when you have a responsibility to stay; abandon v.
forsake v. /fərˈseɪk/
Ex.: He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her.
(literary) home and family life n.
hearth n. /hɑːrθ/
Ex.: a longing for hearth and home
hearth n. /hɑːrθ/
(literary) home and family life n.
Ex.: a longing for hearth and home
model st on/upon/after st v.
To make st so that it looks, works, etc. like st else v.
Ex.: The country’s parliament is modelled on the British system.
Ex.2: This system is closely modelled upon one used in French hospitals.
Ex.3: A new town centre is modelled after Italian hill towns.
To make st so that it looks, works, etc. like st else v.
model st on/upon/after st v.
Ex.: The country’s parliament is modelled on the British system.
Ex.2: This system is closely modelled upon one used in French hospitals.
Ex.3: A new town centre is modelled after Italian hill towns.
Acknowledge v.
(formal) to publicly express thanks for help you have been given v.
Ex.: I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.
Ex.2: He is always ready to acknowledge his debt to his teachers.
(formal) to publicly express thanks for help you have been given v.
Acknowledge v.
Ex.: I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.
Ex.2: He is always ready to acknowledge his debt to his teachers.
rendition n. /renˈdɪʃn/
the performance of st, especially a song or piece of music; the particular way in which it is performed; interpretation n.
Ex.: The band gave a live rendition of their latest single.
rendition n. /renˈdɪʃn/
the performance of st, especially a song or piece of music; the particular way in which it is performed; interpretation n.
Ex.: The band gave a live rendition of their latest single.
the performance of st, especially a song or piece of music; the particular way in which it is performed; interpretation n.
rendition n. /renˈdɪʃn/
Ex.: The band gave a live rendition of their latest single.
catch somebody’s eye i.
to attract somebody’s attention i.
Ex.: Can you catch the waiter’s eye?
to attract somebody’s attention i.
catch somebody’s eye i.
Ex.: Can you catch the waiter’s eye?
libretto n. /lɪˈbretəʊ/
(plural librettos, libretti /lɪˈbretiː/)
(music, from Italian) the words that are sung or spoken in an opera or a musical play n.
Ex.: The collection contains hundreds of Italian opera librettos.
(music, from Italian) the words that are sung or spoken in an opera or a musical play n.
libretto n. /lɪˈbretəʊ/
(plural librettos, libretti /lɪˈbretiː/)
Ex.: The collection contains hundreds of Italian opera librettos.
pair up v.
to come together or to bring two people together to work, play a game, etc.
Ex.: Julie paired up with Rob for the quiz.
pair up v.
to come together or to bring two people together to work, play a game, etc. v.
Ex.: Julie paired up with Rob for the quiz.
to come together or to bring two people together to work, play a game, etc. v.
Pair up v.
Ex.: Julie paired up with Rob for the quiz.
the music written for a film or play n.
Score n.
Ex.: an award for best original score
Ex.2: The musical score is magnificent and the performances are outstanding.
Ex.3: The score for the movie was composed by John Williams.
the music written for a film or play n.
Score n.
Ex.: an award for best original score
Ex.2: The musical score is magnificent and the performances are outstanding.
Ex.3: The score for the movie was composed by John Williams.
Score n.
the music written for a film or play n.
Ex.: an award for best original score
Ex.2: The musical score is magnificent and the performances are outstanding.
Ex.3: The score for the movie was composed by John Williams.
debut v. /deɪˈbjuː/
(of a performer or show) to make a first public appearance v.
Ex.: The ballet will debut next month in New York.
(of a performer or show) to make a first public appearance v.
Debut v.
Ex.: The ballet will debut next month in New York.
notwithstanding p. /ˌnɑːtwɪθˈstændɪŋ/, /ˌnɑːtwɪðˈstændɪŋ/
(formal) (also used following the noun it refers to) without being affected by st; despite st p.
Ex.: Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year.
Ex.2: The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.
(formal) (also used following the noun it refers to) without being affected by st; despite st p.
notwithstanding p. /ˌnɑːtwɪθˈstændɪŋ/, /ˌnɑːtwɪðˈstændɪŋ/
Ex.: Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year.
Ex.2: The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.
in your own right i.
because of your personal qualifications or efforts, not because of your connection with sb else i.
Ex.: She sings with a rock band, but she’s also a jazz musician in her own right.
Ex.2: It is a classic tale in its own right.
because of your personal qualifications or efforts, not because of your connection with sb else i.
in your own right i.
Ex.: She sings with a rock band, but she’s also a jazz musician in her own right.
Ex.2: It is a classic tale in its own right.