Snow Queen - The Forest Trees (p. 637) Flashcards
marsh n. /mɑːrʃ/
[count, unc] an area of low land that is always soft and wet because there is nowhere for the water to flow away to / pântano n.
Ex.: Cows were grazing on the marshes.
Ex.2: After so much rain, the field had become a marsh (= a very wet area).
Ex.3: The land is colonized by various types of marsh vegetation.
[count, unc] an area of low land that is always soft and wet because there is nowhere for the water to flow away to / pântano n.
marsh n. /mɑːrʃ/
Ex.: Cows were grazing on the marshes.
Ex.2: After so much rain, the field had become a marsh (= a very wet area).
Ex.3: The land is colonized by various types of marsh vegetation.
sweep v. /swiːp/
[trans, int] to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom (= a type of brush on a long handle) / varrer v.
Ex.: to sweep the floor
Ex.2: Chimneys should be swept regularly.
Ex.3: I don’t have to sweep and mop every day.
Ex.4: Don’t just stand around—grab a broom and sweep up.
Ex.5: The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.
[trans, int] to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom (= a type of brush on a long handle) / varrer v.
sweep v. /swiːp/
Ex.: to sweep the floor
Ex.2: Chimneys should be swept regularly.
Ex.3: I don’t have to sweep and mop every day.
Ex.4: Don’t just stand around—grab a broom and sweep up.
Ex.5: The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.
seek v.
(formal) [trans, int] to look for st/sb v.
Ex.: Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
Ex.2: Police are not seeking anyone else in connection with the deaths.
Ex.3: (Br) They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.
(formal) [trans, int] to look for st/sb v.
seek v.
Ex.: Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
Ex.2: Police are not seeking anyone else in connection with the deaths.
Ex.3: (Br) They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.
beseech v. /bɪˈsiːtʃ/
(formal) to ask sb for st in an anxious way because you want or need it very much; implore, beg v.
Ex.: Let him go, I beseech you!
(formal) to ask sb for st in an anxious way because you want or need it very much; implore, beg v.
beseech v. /bɪˈsiːtʃ/
Ex.: Let him go, I beseech you!
birch n. /bɜːrtʃ/
(also birch tree) [count, unc] a tree with smooth bark and thin branches that grows in northern countries / bétula n.
[count, unc] a tree with smooth bark and thin branches that grows in northern countries / bétula n.
birch n. /bɜːrtʃ/
injure v. /ˈɪndʒər/
to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident / machucar, ferir, prejudicar v.
Ex.: He injured his knee playing hockey.
Ex.2: Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.
Ex.3: She injured herself during training.
Ex.4: She was seriously injured in a riding accident.
Ex.5: During the Second World War he was badly injured by a bomb.
Ex.6: He was hit by an unmarked police car and severely injured.
Ex.7: The man was critically injured after falling from a ladder.
to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident / machucar, ferir, prejudicar v.
injure v. /ˈɪndʒər/
Ex.: He injured his knee playing hockey.
Ex.2: Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.
Ex.3: She injured herself during training.
Ex.4: She was seriously injured in a riding accident.
Ex.5: During the Second World War he was badly injured by a bomb.
Ex.6: He was hit by an unmarked police car and severely injured.
Ex.7: The man was critically injured after falling from a ladder.
attire n. /əˈtaɪər/
[unc] (formal) clothes, especially fine or formal ones / traje, vestuário n.
Ex.: dressed in formal evening attire
[unc] (formal) clothes, especially fine or formal ones / traje, vestuário n.
attire n. /əˈtaɪər/
Ex.: dressed in formal evening attire
shiver v. /ˈʃɪvər/
[int] (of a person) to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc. v.
Ex.: Don’t stand outside shivering—come inside and get warm!
Ex.2: He shivered at the thought of the cold, dark sea.
Ex.3: to shiver with cold/fear/excitement/pleasure
[int] (of a person) to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc. v.
shiver v. /ˈʃɪvər/
Ex.: Don’t stand outside shivering—come inside and get warm!
Ex.2: He shivered at the thought of the cold, dark sea.
Ex.3: to shiver with cold/fear/excitement/pleasure
acorn n. /ˈeɪkɔːrn/
the small brown nut of the oak tree, that grows in a base that is like a cup / bolota n.
the small brown nut of the oak tree, that grows in a base that is like a cup / bolota n.
acorn n. /ˈeɪkɔːrn/
soil v /sɔɪl/
(formal) to make st dirty v.
Ex.: soiled linen
Ex.2: I don’t want you soiling your hands with this sort of work (= doing something unpleasant or wrong).
(formal) to make st dirty v.
soil v /sɔɪl/
Ex.: soiled linen
Ex.2: I don’t want you soiling your hands with this sort of work (= doing something unpleasant or wrong).
spotless a. /ˈspɑːtləs/
perfectly clean; immaculate a.
Ex.: a spotless white shirt
Ex.2: She keeps the house spotless.
Ex.3: I want this place spotless.
Ex.4: (figurative) He has a spotless record so far.
perfectly clean; immaculate a.
spotless a. /ˈspɑːtləs/
Ex.: a spotless white shirt
Ex.2: She keeps the house spotless.
Ex.3: I want this place spotless.
Ex.4: (figurative) He has a spotless record so far.
willow n. /ˈwɪləʊ/
[count] a tree with long, thin branches and long, thin leaves, that often grows near water / salgueiro n.
[count] a tree with long, thin branches and long, thin leaves, that often grows near water / salgueiro n.
willow n. /ˈwɪləʊ/
brook n. /brʊk/
a small river / riacho, córrego n.
Ex.: We’ll have to cross the brook to get to the road.
Ex.2: The road goes over a small brook.
Ex.3: The peace and quiet was disturbed only by a gently babbling brook.
a small river / riacho, córrego n.
brook n. /brʊk/
Ex.: We’ll have to cross the brook to get to the road.
Ex.2: The road goes over a small brook.
Ex.3: The peace and quiet was disturbed only by a gently babbling brook.
creep v. /kriːp/
[int] (of people or animals) to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard v.
Ex.: I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.
Ex.2: I heard someone creeping around the house.
[int] (of people or animals) to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard v.
creep v. /kriːp/
Ex.: I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.
Ex.2: I heard someone creeping around the house.
leafy a. /ˈliːfi/
having a lot of leaves a.
Ex.: Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
having a lot of leaves a.
leafy a. /ˈliːfi/
Ex.: Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables.
spruce n. /spruːs/
[count, unc] an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles / abeto n.
[count, unc] an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles / abeto n.
spruce n. /spruːs/
pine (tree) n. /paɪn/
[count, unc] an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles / pinheiro n.
Ex.: pine forests
Ex.2: pine needles
Ex.3: a Scots pine
[count, unc] an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles / pinheiro n.
pine (tree) n. /paɪn/
Ex.: pine forests
Ex.2: pine needles
Ex.3: a Scots pine
juniper n. /ˈdʒuːnɪpər/
[unc, count] a bush or small tree with purple berries that are used in medicine and to add taste to gin / zimbro n.
[unc, count] a bush or small tree with purple berries that are used in medicine and to add taste to gin / zimbro n.
juniper n. /ˈdʒuːnɪpər/
defy v. /dɪˈfaɪ/
to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc. / desafiar, resistir, enfrentar v.
Ex.: I wouldn’t have dared to defy my teachers.
Ex.2: Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.
to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc. / desafiar, resistir, enfrentar v.
defy v. /dɪˈfaɪ/
Ex.: I wouldn’t have dared to defy my teachers.
Ex.2: Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.
forlorn a. /fərˈlɔːrn/
(of a person) appearing lonely and unhappy / desamparado a.
Ex.: She looked so forlorn, standing there in the rain.
Ex.2: A couple of forlorn tourists waited for their coach.
(of a person) appearing lonely and unhappy / desamparado a.
forlorn a. /fərˈlɔːrn/
Ex.: She looked so forlorn, standing there in the rain.
Ex.2: A couple of forlorn tourists waited for their coach.
warm-hearted a.
(of a person) kind and friendly a.
Ex.: warm-hearted children
(of a person) kind and friendly a.
warm-hearted a.
Ex.: warm-hearted children
robe n. /rəʊb/
a long loose outer piece of clothing, especially one worn as a sign of rank or office at a special ceremony n.
Ex.: coronation robes
Ex.2: cardinals in scarlet robes
Ex.3: a figure in flowing robes of white
Ex.4: an old man swathed in robes
a long loose outer piece of clothing, especially one worn as a sign of rank or office at a special ceremony n.
robe n. /rəʊb/
Ex.: coronation robes
Ex.2: cardinals in scarlet robes
Ex.3: a figure in flowing robes of white
Ex.4: an old man swathed in robes