Snow Queen - The Peasant Wife Who Was So Discontented (p. 609) Flashcards
cross a. /krɔːs/
annoyed or quite angry a.
Ex.: I was cross with him for being late.
Ex.2: Please don’t get cross. Let me explain.
annoyed or quite angry a.
cross a. /krɔːs/
Ex.: I was cross with him for being late.
Ex.2: Please don’t get cross. Let me explain.
wretched a. /ˈretʃɪd/
(formal) extremely bad or unpleasant; awful a.
Ex.: She had a wretched time of it at school.
Ex.2: The animals are kept in the most wretched conditions.
(formal) extremely bad or unpleasant; awful a.
wretched a. /ˈretʃɪd/
Ex.: She had a wretched time of it at school.
Ex.2: The animals are kept in the most wretched conditions.
(civil) parish n.
[count] (in England) a small country area that has its own elected local government n.
Ex.: This area in the north of the county comprises 26 parishes.
[count] (in England) a small country area that has its own elected local government n.
(civil) parish n.
Ex.: This area in the north of the county comprises 26 parishes.
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
pasture n. /ˈpæstʃər/
[unc, count] land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on n.
Ex.: high mountain pastures
Ex.2: The cattle were put out to pasture.
Ex.3: We drove through mile after mile of land cleared for pasture.
Ex.4: By the time we got the cows back into the pasture, it was dark.
Ex.5: an area of permanent/rough/rich pasture n.
[unc, count] land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on n.
pasture n. /ˈpæstʃər/
Ex.: high mountain pastures
Ex.2: The cattle were put out to pasture.
Ex.3: We drove through mile after mile of land cleared for pasture.
Ex.4: By the time we got the cows back into the pasture, it was dark.
Ex.5: an area of permanent/rough/rich pasture n.
mutter v. /ˈmʌtər/
[trans, int] to speak or say st in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about st / murmurar, resmungar v.
Ex.: ‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.
Ex.2: She just sat there muttering to herself.
Ex.3: I muttered something about needing to get back to work.
Ex.4: He muttered that he was sorry.
[trans, int] to speak or say st in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about st / murmurar, resmungar v.
mutter v. /ˈmʌtər/
Ex.: ‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.
Ex.2: She just sat there muttering to herself.
Ex.3: I muttered something about needing to get back to work.
Ex.4: He muttered that he was sorry.
good-natured a.
kind, friendly and patient when dealing with people a.
Ex.: a good-natured person/discussion
Ex.2: Anthony is so good-natured—he finds it difficult to hate anyone.
Ex.3: The discussion was good-natured and positive.
kind, friendly and patient when dealing with people a.
good-natured a.
Ex.: a good-natured person/discussion
Ex.2: Anthony is so good-natured—he finds it difficult to hate anyone.
Ex.3: The discussion was good-natured and positive.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
beside yourself (with something) i.
unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling i.
Ex.: He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.
Ex.2: They were beside themselves with excitement.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling i.
beside yourself (with something) i.
Ex.: He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.
Ex.2: They were beside themselves with excitement.
platter n. /ˈplætər/
a large plate that is used for serving food / bandeja, travessa n.
Ex.: I’ll have the fish platter (= several types of fish and other food served on a large plate).
Ex.2: a silver platter
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
beside yourself (with something) i.
unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling i.
Ex.: He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.
Ex.2: They were beside themselves with excitement.
a large plate that is used for serving food / bandeja, travessa n.
platter n. /ˈplætər/
Ex.: I’ll have the fish platter (= several types of fish and other food served on a large plate).
Ex.2: a silver platter
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.
abode n. /əˈbəʊd/
[usually singular] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives n.
Ex.: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home)
Ex.2: You are most welcome to my humble abode.