An activity program shall meet the needs and interest of ea. pt and encourage ___ and resumption of normal activities.
- Administration
- Participation
- Self-care
- None of the above
- Self Care
The activity program shall consist of individual, ___ group activities.
- Small and large
- Itemized
- Generalized
- None of the above
- Small and large
Activities shall be available on a ___ basis.
- Singular
- Weekly
- Daily
- Hourly
- Daily
The activity leader shall develop, implement and ___ the activity program.
- Itemize
- Generalize
- Supervise
- All the above
- Supervise
The activity leader shall maintain a current list of patients who are unable to attend ___.
- Activities
- In-service
- Patients
- None of the above
- Activities
An activity plan shall be developed and ___ for ea pt.
- Planned
- Volunteered
- Implemented
- All the above
- Implemented
The activity plan shall be reviewed ___.
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Quarterly
An activity program leader shall be responsible to the ___.
- Administration
- Physician
- Department
- None of the above
- Administration
An activity program leader shall have experience, therapist or have completed at least ___ hours of training in a course for this position.
- 12
- 24
- 36
- 48
- 36