Smokina Cessation Flashcards
A 34 years old smoker presented for routine medical checkup, all examinations and results were found to be normal. Counsel him on the need to quit smoking.
Brief biodata: what is your name, how old are you, what is your highest level of education
Patient’s understanding.
What do you know about smoking cessation
How long have been smoking
What do you smoke and how many sticks per day
Have you ever felt the need to cut down on your smoking habits
Do you feel you have to smoke to go through the day
So it important that we try to get you stop smoking , it can be a long process but however assure you that before we are done with counseling you will have some confidence to start the journey .
Smoking cessation usually called quitting smoking, is the
process of discontinuina tobacco smoking
Tobacco smoke contain nicotine. which is addictive in nature and as a result stopping it makes the process of quitting difficult
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and a globa public health concern. about 1 in 4 adult smoke and nearly 50% of smokers die of smoking complications if they quit smoking about 80% of smokers come from low to middle income countries. It’s mainly an issue in the male gender but some female also engage in it.
Aetiology and clinical presentation
Aetioloav and Risk factor
People smoke because they find it enjoyable, because it is hard to quit once you start, this is because brain craves nicotine
Other reasons why people smoking Is as a result of peer pressure. coping with stress and mental health issues, social
Cultural norms, experimentation.
Clinical symptoms
Typically a smoker might not present with symptoms till complications set it . they may have physical signs like darkening of the lips and finger nail bed
Complications and diagnosis
Complication that may arise from smoking are cancers, especially lung cancer, lung disease,diabetes , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, chronic bronchitis. Smoking increases the risk for heart failure, certain eye disease, increases the risk of tuberculosis and autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis
These complications are not only limited to the smokers as it may affect those frequently around them , this is what we call the secondary smoking.
There no specific test needed to diagnose a smoker. but diagnosismay be needed in event of complications like the chest x ray
Treatment /HELP
There are different approaches to help quit smoking
Occasionally a smoker may just decide on their own to quit abruptly, this sometimes works but it has a high failure rate
Some drugs may be used to suppress the withdrawal symptoms
such as nicotinic patches or spray which can be use in lower doses til we wean you off
While it is import for you to quite smoking because the risk of the complications. It is important for you to be aware of the withdrawal symptoms, which is seen in people trying to quit smoking.
trying to quit smoking , they could present with symptoms like dizziness, anxiety , Insomnia , headaches, cough , irritablity, Fatigue, hunger , lack of concentration., because these symptoms people usually quit halfway
That is why we will create a simple plan for you, give you the available medication. we will also add clonidine and some antidepressant. we will also refer you to see a psychotherapist and also advice you to inform your family and friends so you can receive emotional support to ease the entire process
Lastly we need a set a quit date, to mark the day after which you will not smoke or consume any tobacco products
beginning to the end or our counseling I know the journey is far from easy and is filled with challenges but I want you to trust us and trust the process as we have helped countless of people before to quit smoking and go on to live a healthy life.
Do you understand all I have said so far
Do you have any questions for me
Can you retell in your own word what have said
Thank you for following
I will like us to decide on the quit date and book you for an appointment with the psychotherapist for a follow up .
Thank your patient
Thank your examiner