SMLE Obstetric Flashcards
A 28-year-old female with history of recurrent pregnancy loss. She comes now want to improve her immunity before trying to conceive. What you will give her?
A. Influenza vaccine
B. Rubella vaccine
C. Hepatitis
D. Immunoglobulin
Female her previous pregnancy is stillbirth and now she want to pregnant and ask the doctor about all the vaccines that she is need before conception and reduce the stillbirth?
A. Rubella
B. Varicella
C. Influenza
Married women came in winter to OB /gyn clinic she want to conceive later what vaccine you should give her before conceive?
A. Rubella
B. Influenza
C. Varicella
D. Tdap
Pregnant in 2nd trimester which vaccine to give her?
A. H. influenza
Pregnant lady, what vaccine should she get at first visit?
A. Influenza
B. Tdap
In first trimester Pregnant nullipara what vaccine should you give her?
A. Influenza
C. Rh immunoglobulin
In the second trimester Pregnant nullipara what vaccine should you give her?
A. Influenza
C. Rh immunoglobulin
In the third trimester Pregnant nullipara what vaccine should you give her?
A. Influenza
C. Rh immunoglobulin
Female have regular cycle every 30 days her last period before 36, she received rubella vaccine before 3 weeks. She was asked not to get pregnant until 2 months of receiving rubella , But she got pregnant, what’s the most likely pregnancy outcome?
A. Not affected
B. Associated with congenital malformations.
Pregnant women doesnt have rubella vaccine what should do?
A. Take in second trimester.
B. Postpartum
Pregnant her child school had an outbreak and she’s afraid to get to her child which vaccine she should get ?
A. DtaP
B. Influenza
C. Rubella
D. Varicella
A woman was taking highly androgenic progesterone without knowing she is pregnant. What complication will her daughter face?
A. Nothing will change
B. Hirsutism
C. Masculinization
D. Feminization
G2P0 20 weeks of gestation, with cervical incompetence (cervix length 30mm), what’s the most appropriate management?
A. Cervical cerclage
B. Strict bed rest
C. Progesterone supplementation
Female with previous 2 preterm labor, now she is at 20 weeks of gestation and her cervix opened 30 mm, what you will do?
A. Immediate cervical cerclage
B. Give tocolytic & wait
C. Strict bed rest
D. Progesterone supplement
Which of the following is the indication of cervical cercalge?
A. Cervical cerclage length less than 30
B. Cervical cerclage length less than 35
C. Cervical cerclage length less than 25
D. Cervical cerclage length less than 20
Pregnant at 18 weeks of gestation with cervical incompetence, history of previous fetal passage at 28 weeks. What is the management?
A. Cervical cerclage
C. Follow up by serial us visits
Pregnant in 8 weak gastation had misscarrage in previous prgnancy in 20 weak what should you do at this pregnancy?
A. Close antenatal follow up
B. Cervical cerclage at 16-18 weeks
Pregnant at 13 weeks of gestation with history or spontaneous fetal loss at 20 week. What is the most appropriate action to do?
A. Regular Follow up without specific intervention
B. Cervical cerclage now
Patient at 8 weeks of gestation diagnosed as cervical incompetence, what to do?
A. Do cervical suture now
B. Do cervical suture at 13-14 weeks
C. Start beta mimitic drug
D. Confirm with heglar dilator
Pregnant at 18 weeks of gestation, she has a history of recurrent fetal loss. Now came to ER due to sudden fetal parts expulsion What is the diagnosis?
A. Bicornuate uterus
B. Cervical incompetence
Female had history of preterm labor at 34 wks and now she is on 24 wks what is the highest diagnostic value for her case?
A. Cervical length measurement
B. Speculum
Pregnant woman with history of preterm labor two times, presented with vaginal spotting What to give her?
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Indomethacin
D. Mg sulphate
What is the Folic acid quantity for a healthy lady wants to conceive and with no prior diseases or disorders?
A. 1 mg
B. 5 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 15 mg
Placenta in implanted in the uterine wall, what is that?
A. Placenta previa
B. Placenta accrete
C. Placenta increta
D. Placenta perecreta
A 46-year-old, G3P1+1 at 34 weeks’ gestation presented to antenatal clinic for regular check-up, she has unremarkable medical history and uncomplicated pregnancy Braxton Hicks and non-pruritic cervical discharge. Her pre-pregnancy weight was 54.4 on examination cervical length was 33 mm.
VS were given & I believe they were normal.
Current weight: 52
Rubella AB: -ve
HBsAg: -ve
Blood type: O+
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
A. Follow up after 2 weeks
B. OGGT test
C. Do rubella Ab test / Repeat rubella screen
D. Give anti-D Ab
Pregnant women, her last menstrual period 7th of May, she has regular period and is sure about it. What is the Expected date of delivery?
A. 10 February next year
B. 10 December same year
C. 25 December next year
D. 30 February next year
GBS vaginal swab screening in pregnant women?
A. 15 weeks
B. 25 weeks
C. 35 weeks
D. 40 weeks
12 Weeks pregnant, what will her blood test show?
A. Decrease in serum creatinine
B. Increase in plasma sodium
C. Increase in plasma BUN
D. Decrease in BUN
Female pregnant, what of the following true regarding Elevated BhCG?
A. High BhCg indicator of ectopic pregnancy
B. High BhCg in second Trimester indicator of molar pregnancy
C. High BhCg in second Trimester is the most sensitive marker of Down syndrome
D. High Bhcg can cause depression of TSH
Female pregnant, what of the following is true regarding elevated BhCG?
A. High BhCg indicator of ectopic pregnancy
B. High BhCg in second trimester indicator of molar pregnancy.
C. High BhCg in second trimester is the most sensitive marker of Down syndrome.
D. High Bhcg can cause elevation of TRH which causes hyperthyroidism
What would you expect in pregnancy?
A. Hematocrit decrease by 20-25% B. Hematocrit decrease by 40-45% C. Blood volume increase by 20-25% D. Blood volume increase by 40-45%
What tine breastfeeding counseling is best done?
A. Before conceiving
B. 1st trimester or prenatal
C. Postpartum
Patient with absent fetal heartbeat on ultrasound, which of the following is best to use for chromosomal analysis?
A. Umbilical cord sampling
B. Amniotic fluid sampling
C. Fetal cord blood
D. Placental tissue
Mother came for antenatal care and US shows week 32 reversed end diastolic blood flow, what is the most appropriate management?
A. Follow up 2 week and reassess
B. Immediate delivery now
C. Administer steroids 1 week and delivery
35-year-old mother with GA 33 weeks, she has an ultrasound which showed reversed end diastolic flow in umbilical artery. CTG was normal. what is your appropriate management?
A. Immediate delivery by CS
B. Follow up after 2 weeks
C. give corticosteroids and deliver within 1 week
D. deliver at 37 week
Pregnant at 33 weeks gestation has reversed flow of doppler artery of umbilical, what will you do?
A. Emergent CS
B. Give steroids and wait for 1 week
C. Wait till 37 weeks
Pregnant lady at 30 weeks on antenatal care on U/S: finding fetus size decrease than before with oligohyromnios, doppler of umbilical artery find reversed diastolic flow mother denied any loss of fetus movement, what is the appropriate next step?
A. Non-stress test
B. Serial us after one week
C. Serial doppler for umbilical artery after two weeks
D. Kick fetal chart
A 28 year-old female, pregnant at 35 weeks of gestation presenting with decreased fetal movement, CTG was reassuring with fetal HR 130, then 1 hr later CTG showing good variability. What is the best management for her?
A. Observe for 24 hr.
B. Induction of labor.
C. C/S.
D. Discharge her with fetal kick chart.
Pregnant lady 32 weeks GA is worried that her baby stopped moving. What is the next more appropriate step for this case?
A. Non-stress test
B. Biophysical profile
C. Pelvic examination
D. Pelvic US
Patient at 29 weeks, didn’t feel fetal movement for 1 day, CTG was reactive, Biophysical profile was 8. What to do next?
A. Steroid and repeat Biophysical profile after 24 hours
B. Repeat Biophysical profile at 1 week
D. Urgent CS
Pregnant around 30 weeks who is a case of Rh alloimmunization, fetus was found to have anemia, Management?
A. Deliver immediately
B. Duplex
C. Fetal blood transfusion
Mother who is Rh negative delivered a baby who is Rh + she was given Anti-D Ig 300 microg what does it cover ?
A. 15 ml of the whole fetal blood
B. 30 ml of the whole fetal blood
C. 10 ml of the whole fetal blood
D. 30 ml of Rh(D) positive fetal RBCs
Pregnant of twins, one has increased nuchal translucency in Ultrasound. What will he have?
A. Congenital cardiac malformation
B. Turner syndrome
C. Neural tube defect
How to know fetal weight intrapartum at 37 weeks of gestation?
A. Femur length
B. Head circumflex
C. Biparietal diameter
D. Abdominal circumference
Women delivered a baby with Down syndrome, and she wants to know about future pregnancy. Which of the following is BEST choice of her?
A. Karyotype of infant
B. Karyotype of infant and mother.
C. U/S in next pregnancy
D. Amniocentesis in next pregnancy
Pregnant who has a child with down syndrome. She’s concerned about having another child with down syndrome. What is the best test to rule out down syndrome in the second trimester?
A. Amniotic fluid sample
B. Chorionic villous sample
C. Triple test
Best indicator of chromosomal abnormalities in which week?
A. 16 to 18wk
B. 18 to 22wk
C. 13 to 16wk
D. 24 to 28wk
What is the time interval between ovulation and cleavage in dichorionic diamniotic twins?
A. 0-3 days
B. 4-8 days
C. 9-12 days
D. >12 days
Pregnant lady at 39 weeks of gestation, her routine BP throughout the pregnancy was 120/80, then suddenly became 150/90 what is the diagnosis?
A. Eclampsia
B. Gestational hypertension
C. Chronic hypertension
D. Superimposed hypertension
Pregnant present at 38 weeks in labor her BP 150/90 and elevated proteins /creatinine ratio. What is the diagnosis?
A. Preeclampsia
B. Chronic hypertension
C. Gestational hypertension
D. Superimposed hypertension
Female 36 year, at 15 weeks of gestation, came with hypertension 180/110 no proteinuria, what is the diagnosis?
A. Primary HTN.
B. Pregnancy induced HTN.
C. White coat syndrome.
D. Eclampsia
Female 36 year, at 15 weeks of gestation, complaining of headache, blurred vision since 2 weeks with hypertension, what is the diagnosis?
A. Primary HTN.
B. Pregnancy induced HTN.
C. White coat syndrome.
D. Eclampsia
First line treatment of hypertension in pregnancy is?
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetolol
C. Hydralazine
D. Nifdepine
Pregnant female with Hypertension 140/90, no proteinuria, what is first line in management?
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetalol
C. Nifedipine
D. Hydralazine
Management of chronic hypertension in pregnancy?
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetalol
C. Nifedipine
D. Hydralazine
Pregnant bp 140/90 or 150/90 what to give?
A. Nifidepine
B. Hydralazine
C. Metoprolol
Pregnant at 20 weeks of gestation with HTN 160/90 what is the appropriate antihypertensive drug for her?
A. Labetalol
B. Hydralazine
C. Methyldopa
D. Nifedipine
Severe preeclampsia, acute management of HTN drug?
A. Hydralazine
B. Methyldopa
C. Nifedipine
D. Sodium nitroprusside
Pregnant lady had seizure and is unconscious, her baby is healthy, what to do?
A. MgSo4
B. Establish airway
C. Fluids
D. Urgent delivery
A 23-year-old primigravida presented at 32-weeks of gestation with seizure. Blood pressure 160/110 mmHg, Heart rate 78 /min, Respiratory rate 18 /min , Temperature 36.6°C
Urine: Protein +++
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Steroids
B. Diuretics
C. Hydralazine
D. Magnesium sulphate
Pregnant at 34 weeks with blurred vision, headache and her BP 170/90 What to do?
A. Stabilize + MgSo and wait till 37 weeks
B. Call anaesthesia now and deliver
C. Stabilize and give MgSo and deliver
Pregnant at 28 weeks of gestation, presents with generalized fatigue, systolic blood pressure is 162, urine proteins +3, what is the next step?
A. MgSo4
B. Labetalol
C. Methyldopa
Primigravida at 32 weeks of gestation, came with mild headache with no abdominal pain, or visual disturbance, Blood pressure 150/90, urine analysis +3 protien, appropriate management?
A. Close outpatient after 1 week
B. Admission and observe
C. Induction of labor
D. C-section
A female pregnant with hypertension and proteinuria, she has right upper quadrant pain what is the reason?
A. Distended Hepatic Capsule
B. Hepatic Rupture
C. Gall Bladder Stone
A pregnant woman came with abdominal pain and back pain and visual disturbance. Her blood pressure is 145/92 mmHg. Her lab shows (uric acid high, platelet 70k). What is a severe feature of preeclampsia for this condition?
A. Her abdominal pain
B. Her blood pressure
C. Platelet count
D. Uric acid
Pregnant, now her B/P 140/90, platelets 90k, history of previously severe preeclampsia. What indication here of severe preeclampsia?
A. B/P
B. Platelets
C. Urine concentration
Pregnant at 12 weeks, complaining of mild leg edema, blood pressure mildly elevated, Positive trace proteinuria.
A. Methyldopa
B. Labetalol
C. Losartan
D. Captopril
Pregnant at 39 weeks of gestation, came with proteinuria and B/P 140/90, what is your action?
A. Admit and observation
B. Labor induction
C. Follow up and observe
Pregnant at 33 weeks of gestation, presented with severe headache protein urine +3, B/P 150/100, what to do?
A. Immediate C-section
B. Delay for a week and give steroid. C. Admitted for observation
Pregnant at 34 weeks of gestation with preeclampsia, high BP 170 /100 what to give?
A. Stabilize, MgSo4 and deliver
B. Stabilize, corticosteroids and deliver
Pregnant at 35 weeks of gestation, hypertensive came with sever headache, abdominal pain and feel dizzy , what to do?
A. Give Mg salfate and admission for delivery
B. Give steroid and admission for delivery
C. Give Mg salfate and wait
Pregnant at 37 week with BP 160/110 every thing else was normal Her BP during pregnancy was 120/90
A. Eclampsia
B. Gestational HTN
C. Pre-eclampsia