Definition of isoimmunization
is the process of formation of antibodies against constituent of the tissue of another individual of the
same species .
Antigen O what’s the antibodies?
AntiA+Anti B
Who is universal donor?
Antigen A what’s the antibodies?
Anti B
Antigen B what’s the antibodies
Anti A
Who is universal receptions?
What’s the dominant antigen?
What’s the recessive antigen?
If the mother have the Rh - and the father Rh + and the future has Rh +
The antibodies for the second fetus will be attack the RBCs of the fetus
if the second fetus has Rh +
Normally the maternal circulation and the fetal circulation are kept away from direct contact with each other, with gas and nutrient exchange taking place across a membrane in the placenta made of two layers:
syncytiotrophoblast and the cytotrophoblast
When fetal maternal hemorrhage happened
When the membrane ceases.
Fetal Rh + and maternal Rh-
What’s the can lead to leakage of the fetuse celks to the maternal circulation? 10
- Spontaneous abortion.
- Induced abortion.
- APH.
- E.C.V.
- Cordocentesis, CVS, amniocentesis
- Severe preeclampsia
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Caesarean section
- Manual removal of placenta
- Silent feto-maternal haemorrhage .
Kleihauer-Betke technique?
measure amount of feto-maternal hemorrhage
How you can measure amount of feto-maternal hemorrhage?
By Kleihauer-Betke technique
What’s the steps to do Kleihauer-Betke technique
- acid elution test (( separation feature from the maternal blood ))
- in 50 low power microscopic field
of peripheral maternal blood (( 5 fetal cells)). - RhGAM IG 500 IU ( 300 mcg ) > 15ml -30ml fetal red cells.
Mild Cases
fetal (RBC) destruction → from anti-D (IgG): → anaemia → compensating
haemopoiesis → excess of unconjugated bilirubin
• excess of unconjugated bilirubin > (310-350 mol/L) → It passes brain barrier → (kernicterus) → permanent neurological and mental disorders
Severe Cases:
excessive destruction of fetal (RBC) → severe anaemia → hypoxia the tissues → cardiac or circulatory failure → generalized edema → (H. failure) → ascitis → IUFD
What’s the test you can used to screening Rh
Indirect coomb’s test
What’s the time you will do Indirect coomb’s test ?
- At booking.
- Before 28 weeks.
If not sensitized,
what’s the treatment ?
and when ?
and what’s the dose ?
what’s the method?
RhoGAM or Anti D
*500IU 28-34wks
*1500 28 wks
Post natal <72 hrs if missed ( 10-14 days)
IM Deltoid
The risk for isoimmunization
(( جدول ))
If sensitized close monitoring of ? 2
- Fetus
- anti D level.
How do you get a management or treatment for the risk of the pregnancy of Rh ISOIMMUNIZATION
Non-invasive fetal monitoring
- Ultrasound of fetal hydrops.
- Ascites.
- pleura effusion.
- soft tissue/ scalp oedema.
- cardiomegaly.
- hepatomegaly. - Doubler (( middle cerebral artery.))