Shuolder Dystocia Flashcards
Shoulder dystocia
• disproportion between the biacromial diameter of the fetus and the antero-posterior diameter of the pelvic inlet
• the anterior shoulder of the fetus becoming impacted behind the symphysis pubis .
• Less commonly the posterior shoulder can impact on the maternal sacral promontory.
anterior shoulder becomes trapped
behind the pubic symphysis
posterior shoulder impact in
hollow of sacrum or
high above the sacral promontory
Shoulder dystocia, its emergency case or not
Emergency case bc 47% of babies that died within 5 minutes.
Risk factors of shoulder dystocia
- Fetal macrosomia
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Mid pelvic instrumental delivery
- Post maturity
- Multiparity
- Anencephaly
- Fetal Ascites
Warning signs and diagnosis for the shoulder ?
- Uncomplicated initially.
- Head advanced slowly.
- chin may have had
difficulty in sweeping over the perineum - Head is delivered , trying to return into the vagina by reverse traction.
- Diagnosed when maneuver normally by doctor fail to accomplish delivery
What’s the name of the signs when the head will go back and the head already delivered?
Turtle neck sign
Management Principles
- Do not be panicky
- Do not give traction over baby head
- Do not apply fundal pressure
Management Principles
Do 4.
- Call for extra help
- Clear the infant mouth and nose
- Involve the anesthetist and the pediatrician
- Perform episiotomy if not performed earlier
Management Pre procedure steps and consideration : 4
- Shout for help
- Explain procedure
- Follow general principal of basic care and infection prevention
- Perform episiotomy
TTT of shoulder dystocia
H– call for help
E- evaluate for episiotomy
L—legs –McRoberts Maneuver
P- External Pressure –Suprapubic
E—enter ———-rotational Maneuver
R- remove the posterior arm
R—roll the patient to her hands and knees
McRoberts’ maneuver
90% successful
1. flexion and abduction of the
maternal hips, positioning the maternal thighs on her
2. straightens the lumbosacral angle, rotates the maternal.
pelvis towards the mother’s head and increases the relative
anterior-posterior diameter of the pelvis.
Rubin’s Maneuver
insert a hand into the vagina and apply pressure to the anterior shoulder in the direction of the baby sternum to rotate > The shoulder and decrease the shoulder diameter.
pressure to the posterior shoulder in the direction of the baby sternum.
Woods maneuver and what’s the complication of this maneuver?
Insert hand in vagina Grasp the humorous of posterior arm and keep the arm flexed at the elbow ,sweep the
arm across the chest grasp the hand and deliver the entire arm
With one hand on each side of the fetal head apply firm ,continuous traction down word to move the anterior
shoulder under pubic symphysis
Humerus bone can be fractur.
What’s the maneuver for shoulder dystocia?
- McRoberts Maneuver
- Rubin’s Maneuver
- Woods maneuver
- cleidotomy
- symphysiotomy
- Zavanelli maneuver
surgical division of the clavicle or
bending with a finger
dividing the anterior fibers of symphyseal ligament.
Zavanelli maneuver
Push the baby to the vagina then CS.
Complication of the shoulder dystocia
- significant perinatal morbidity and mortality evenwhen it is
managed appropriately. - Maternal morbidity is increased,
- postpartum hemorrhage (11%)
- third and fourth-degree perineal tears (3.8%).
- Brachial plexus injury (BPI) is one of the most important fetal
complications of shoulder dystocia, - 10% resulting in permanent neurological dysfunction.
Risk management
- All maternity staf should participate in shoulder dystocia training at least annually.
- Maneuver should be demonstrated in direct view .
- Higher fdelity training equipment should be used .