Smith, Tushman (2005) Flashcards
exploring and exploiting: innovation streams, organizational outcomes, and ambidextrous designs
- Sustained organizational performance is rooted in executing both existing products and innovation simultaneously.
- Long-term performance depends on the organizations ability to adapt and change through innovation, yet these organizations must also perform on short term
Structural differentiation allows
firms to explore as well as exploit, top management serves as the point of integration between these contrasts.
- Key function of the senior team is to create meaning in context of contradiction and to extract the benefits associated with contradictory strategic agendas
Organizations can excel when
TM teams effectively balance strategic contradictions, yet structural, psychological, and social barriers prevent them from doing so. Organizations benefit when structural features are internally aligned, however this is associated with structural and social inertia.
Balanced strategic decisions based on two criteria:
- Their distributive nature, making balanced trade-offs over time
- Their integrative nature, identifying synergies
Paradoxical cognition
paradoxical frames and cognitive processes of differentiating and integrating—enable balanced strategic decisions
Effectively managing the contradictions of the paradoxical frames are associated with two distinct cognitive processes
- Differentiating: recognizing and articulating distinctions, reinforcing the need of each product and being aware that innovation is not crowded by commitments to existing strategies and processes
- Integrating: shifting levels of analysis to identify potential linkages, sustained attention to possible synergies between the exploitative and exploratory products. Look for ways that the contradictory strategies can help each other
Antecedents of leadercentric teams
the leader integrates the contradictory agendas. These leaders must recognize conflicts between agendas and manage those conflicts
Antecedents of teamcentric teams
the teams integrates the contradictory agendas. Achieving balanced agendas is associated with shared mental models of paradoxical frames