Small Intestinal Disorders and Investigation Flashcards
State the common disorders affecting the small intestine with particular reference to malabsorption.
- Coeliac disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Tropical sprue: folate deficiency, responds to antibiotics
- Giardia lamblia: unicellular parasite, contaminated water, responds to metronidazole, hypogammaglobulinaemia
- Whipple’s disease
State the common disorders affecting the small intestine and the principles of their investigation.
State the common disorders affecting the small intestine and the principles of their management.
List the medical and surgical causes of the acute abdomen including approaches to diagnosis and management including fluid balance.
Explain the concept of maldigestion.
Explain the clinical presentation of maldigestion.
Explain the management of maldigestion.
Explain the concept of malabsorption.
Explain the clinical presentation of malabsorption.
Explain the management of malabsorption.
Describe the functions of the small intestine.
- Digestion: the breaking down of food into its components.
- Absorption: the passage of nutrients into the body.
- Barrier functions: regulating what stays in and gets out.
- Endocrine and neuronal control functions: controlling flow of material from stomach to colon, motility.
Describe the signs of specific vitamin deficiencies.
- Iron: B12, folate
- Ca2+, Mg2+ and vitamin D: tetany, osteomalacia
- Vitamin A: night blindness
- Vitamin K: raised PT (blood will take longer to clot)
- Vitamin B complex: thiamine (often on refeeding), memory, dementia
- Niacin: dermatitis, unexplained heart failure
- Vitamin C: scurvy
Discuss the investigations and management of patients with acute abdominal pain (including conditions such as peritonitis, obstruction and pancreatitis).
Compare and contrast pathophysiological causes of abdominal swelling and outline relevant investigations.
Describe digestion in the small intestine.
- Decontaminates dirty food.
- Requires a lot of fluid.
- Controlled hydrolysis to avoid fluid shifts.
- Sophisticated control of motility.
- Absorption against gradients.
- Onward processing in the liver.
Commences in the stomach;
- Salivary amylase
- Pepsin
- Controlled breakdown to avoid osmotic shifts
Briefly describe the digestion of proteins, fat and carbohydrates.
- Broken down into oligopeptides and amino acids.
- Trypsin, chymotrypsin
- Final hydrolysis and absorption at brush border
- Pancreatic lipase
- Absorption of glycerol and FFAs
- Via lacteal and lymphatic system
- Pancreatic amylase
- Breakdown to disaccharides
- Final digestion by brush border disaccharidase
Describe absorption in the small intestine.
Large surface area;
- Villous architecture
- Constant turnover of cells in crypts and villi
Describe the barrier functions of the small intestine.
Low bacterial population (toxic environment);
- Digestive enzymes
- Bile salts
- Presence of IgAm etc.
Maintaining a barrier against pathogens;
- Immune sampling
- Monitoring the presence of pathogens
- Translocation of bacteria
- Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT)
Describe small bowel investigations.
Tests of structure;
- Small bowel biopsy: endoscopy
- CT scan
- MRI enterography
- Capsule enterography
Other assorted tests;
- H2 breath test: lactulose or glucose substrate
- Culture a duodenal or jejunal aspirate
Describe the symptoms of small bowel diseases.
- Weight loss
- Increased appetite
- Diarrhoea: usually watery, sometimes steatorrhea
- Bloating
- Fatigue
Describe steattorhea.
- Fat malabsorption
- High fat content in stool
- Stool less dense (floats) and can be difficult to flush
- Pale
- Foul-smelling
- May leave an oily mark or oil droplets
Describe the signs of small bowel diseases.
- Signs of weight loss
- Low of falling BMI.
Clubbing and aphthous ulceration are non-specific signs of which illnesses?
- Coeliac disease
- Crohn’s disease
Scleroderma is a non-specific sign of which illness?
Systemic sclerosis.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is a non-specific sign of which illness?
Cutaneous manifestation of coeliac disease;
- Blistering
- Intensely itchy
- Scalp, shoulder, elbows, knees
- IgA deposit in skin
Describe the serology test for coeliac disease.
- 90% specific and sensitive
- IgA tests more reliable than IgG
- Selective IgA deficiency is relatively common (0.1-1% of norm, 2-3% of coeliacs)
- Thus, always check total plasma IgA as well
Describe the confirmatory tests for coeliac disease.
Distal duodenal biopsy;
- Villous atrophy (partial, subtotal, total).
- Produces an inflammatory response: thought to be via tissue transglutaminase.
- Increased intra-epithelial lymphocytes.
HLA status;
- 97% of coeliacs are either HLA DQ2 or DQ8 (so is 30% of norm)
- Useful to exclude but not confirm in adults
(Anti-gliadin may help in children but not in adults.)
State conditions associated with coeliac disease.
- Dermatitis herpetiformis
- Autoimmune thyroid disease
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Primary biliary cholangitis
- Autoimmune gastritis
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- IgA deficiency
- Down’s syndrome
Describe the complications of coeliac disease.
- Refractory coeliac disease
- Small bowel lymphoma
- Oesophageal carcinoma
- Colon cancer
- Small bowel carcinoma
Describe the treatment of small bowel bacterial overgrowth.
- Rotating antibiotics: metronidazole, tetracycline, amoxicillin (each for 2 weeks)
- Vitamin and nutritional supplements