SM Test Flashcards
What are the 3 types of Laser Maverick’s?
AGM-65E “Laser tracker, heavyweight ‘alt’ warhead
AGM-65E2 “Navy version of L”
AGM-65L “Enhanced laser tracker heavyweight warhead”
Describe the HIA profile.
- Missile can hold up to 12 degree AOA until reaching a calculated LOS angle to the grid location
- Missile flies directly to the grid when MC/PCU calculates ~70 degree impact angle
- TSE doesn’t accept seeker inputs until within 2000 m of grid passed
- End game velocity = 600 ft/sec
- Missile favor velocity and will trade impact angle for impact velocity.
How much weight and explosive is the AGM-65L warhead?
300 lb warhead
80 lb PBX-108
What is the g-bias flight profile of the AGM-65?
After launch, a bias voltage is added to the vertical channel of the autopilot. Causes the missile to loft into a ‘humped’ flight profile.
What are 4 effects g-bias flight profile has on the AGM-65?
- Offsets the effects of gravity
- Extends the aerodynamic range
- Increases impact angle and velocity
- Helps maintain LOS with the target
What are the 5 subcomponents of the 176 Guidance Electronic Unit (GEU) assembly?
- MC/PCU (Brains, runs TSE)
- I/O CCA (Relay hub)
- MEMS IMU (provides orientation)
- GPS receiver
- GPS antenna
What are the hazard classes for BII and BII/BIII W/ MEWS
BII: 1.1E (8.295 lbs)
BII/BIII W/MEWS 1.2.1E (6.843 lbs)
What are the 7 sections of the 176?
- Nose assembly
- Warhead
- Guidance section
- Wing section
- Adapter section
- Rocket motor
- Control actuator section
Explain the limitation of the TSE flat-earth assumption.
- TSE assumes a flat earth (based on HAE DTED for target location at launch)
- Flat-earth assumption could cause TSE miss aft for targets moving downhill.
- To compensate, TSE adds a 50 m Low Bias to the target solution. Low Bias moves aim point 50 m into the HAE elevation provided at launch along the missile flight path)
- Low bias causes a small degradation against targets moving uphill, but a significant improvement against downhill targets
What is GDOP and how does it affect the H-system?
Geometric Dilution of Precision. Indicates how much the geometric relationship of the tracked satellites affects uncertainty of the GPS receiver’s position. Low values correspond to good geometry. Does not affect ability to use H-system. This is only a prediction.
What happens when you override conflicts?
Overrides all current and future conflicts. Blocks turn yellow and alert message turns orange. Resolving the root cause is the only way to completely clear the conflict.
What happens if SAASM keys cannot be verified? What steps should you take to fix?
Item GPS alignment will not occur and system is inhibited.
Clear the keys and reload. Recycle power to the items to track P(y) code. If keys still will not verify, clear them and recycle power.
What does indoc mode do and what is required for indoc mode to function?
Permits missions w/ simulation inventory. Control box must be powered with no CLT connected.
Block I footprint based on what?
80% of max kinematic range.
Block I to II improvements
Larger motor, delay feature in ESAF
EAFD replaced AFD/LSM
GEU repackaged
Mainly improved reliability.
Block II to III improvements
More sensitive SAL seeker. MEWS.
Mainly improved lethality.
What are the 6 subcomponents of the 176 Guidance Electronic Unit (GEU) assembly?
- MC/PCU (Brains/ TSE)
- I/O CCA (relay hub)
- MEMS IMU (provides orientation)
- GPS receiver
- GPS antenna
Why is a low laser code better?
Lower laser codes (11XX) are recommended for moving targets due to higher PRF.
When can a ground based buddy lase be used?
With LPL on Block III
How are B II & III footprints derived
H-sys references a dynamic link library which contains values for 100% of CE90.
TSE disregards target reports from seeker and remains in GPS terminal mode when:
Received less than 6 valid reports or HIA selected and SR to target is >2000m
List 4 steps that must happen for ESAF to determine when it is safe to arm
- Canister ejection
-starts a 13.4 sec (+/-11% digital timer after canister ejection - Umbilical disconnect
-starts 13.5 sec (+/-10%) analog timer after umbilical disconnect - Wing deployment
- Rocket motor burn
~15 sec delay from ejection to warhead arming.
The BXX computer facilitates communication between which three components?
- BXX Control Box
- TA-24
Where does the H-sys get it’s positional data
Compares GPS position data from TA-24 and C-MIGITS/SDN500: must be within 333 m of each other.
How does TSE function?
Always flies to the TSE-computed location. After comparing target location and missile location the TSE computes fin steering commands. Missile is then TSE guided and laser assisted.
What does the PDU do?
- Circuit breaker box provides overload and short circuit protection
- Junction box conditions power going to the CLT