MEF Exam Flashcards
What are the 4 exploitation goals of F3EA
- Force protection
- Targeting
- Component and material sourcing
- Prosecution
What are the three characteristics of the Urban Triad
- Complex Manmade physical terrain
- An infrastructure upon which the area depends
- A population of significant size and density
Define Joint Urban Operations (JUO)
Joint operations across the range of military operations planned and conducted on, or against objectives within a topographical complex and its adjacent natural terrain, where manmade construction or the density of population are the dominate features
Define Military Operations of Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
All military actions planned and conducted on a topographical complex and its adjacent terrain where manmade construction is the dominant feature
What is the “main effort” of F3EA?
EXPLOITATION and ANALYSIS are often the main efforts of the special ops targeting cycle since they provide insight into enemy networks and may open new lines of operations
Factors affecting GPS vulnerability
- GPS receiver use
- Jamming environment
What are the two FMS configuration for different jamming
- For deception jamming select GPS #1, and deselect GNSS #1
- For denial jamming deselect GPS and run strictly DME-DME
What are the two FMS configuration for different jamming
- For deception jamming select GPS #1, and deselect GNSS #1
- For denial jamming deselect GPS and run strictly DME-DME
What are the types of Urban Patterns and describe/id on a map
- Hub: central built-up area, obstructs tactical maneuver.
- Satellite: Smaller, dependent built-up areas around a hub, LOCs converge on the hub.
- Network: More complex satellite system, a LOC web.
- Strip: Built-up areas following a linear feature (LOC).
- Segmented: Urban area divided by dominant manmade or natural terrain features (rivers, canals).
What are the 3 challenges to the U-28 or Aviation in the urban environment
- High risk of collateral damage
- LOS problems
- High risk of fratricide
What are the types of Urban Patterns and describe/id on a map
- Hub: central built-up area, obstructs tactical maneuver.
- Satellite: Smaller, dependent built-up areas around a hub, LOCs converge on the hub.
- Network: More complex satellite system, a LOC web.
- Strip: Built-up areas following a linear feature (LOC).
- Segmented: Urban area divided by dominant manmade or natural terrain features (rivers, canals).
What is the difference between D3A, F2T2EA and F3EA
D3A (Decide, Detect, Deliver, and Assess) - the targeting process published in Army doctrine. Facilitates the attack of the right target with the right asset at the right time. This is primarily a planning methodology.
F2T2EA (Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, Assess) - the targeting process published in joint and USAF doctrine. Focuses and further delineates the last 3 steps of the D3A process. Especially well suited to dynamic targets, but it can be applied to deliberate targets as well.
F3EA (Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze) - targeting process utilized by US SOF. Emphasizes the functional fusion of operations and intelligence that is central throughout SOF.
What are the US lessons learned from operation JUST CAUSE
- Close quarters fighting combined with dense urban terrain features complicate identification of friendly and enemy forces (AC-130 misidentified friendly APC as hostile vehicle)
- Surprise is a force multiplier in the urban environment, and may be necessary for victory (SEALs lost surprise when separate attack occurred short distance away)
What are the four types of jamming?
- Brute Force
- Smart Noise
- Coherent
- Spoofing
What are the indications of brute force and smart noise jamming?
Receiver loses lock, unable to reacquire
Describe the products from the Decide phase of D3A.
- High Payoff Target List (HPTL) - prioritized list of HPT
- ISR Plan: designed to address commander’s prioritized intel requirements (PIR)
- Target Selection Standards (TSS): addresses accuracy or other specific standards that must be met before targets can be attacked
Attack-Guidance Matrix (AGM): specifies which targets will be attacked, and how, and with what desired effect