Slope and ocean tings Flashcards
Slope elements + characteristics
Crest - horizontal shape - lies on top of hill - soil creep, 0 degrees
Free face - almost vertical slope - mass wasting + undercutting, 90 degrees, sheer cliffs + falls
Talus slope - concave - 35 degrees, deposition+erosion of litter(large rocks) and scree(small rocks), 35 degrees
Knick Point between Talus slope and Pediment
Pediment - Concave slope - abrasion + attrition of small pebbles. Deposition, 0-5 degrees
Parallel slope retreat
slope angle and length remains constant and retreats parallel to
itself. pediment increases in length over time.
Major oceans
Pacific, Atlantic, arctic, indian
Importance of oceans
Moisture for the atmosphere
Renewable oxygen supply for the atmosphere
Protein foods
Energy supply
Renewable o2?
Can hold a lot of o2, allows o2 transfer between water and air, greenhouse gases like co2 make it harder o2 gaseous exchange
Ocean as protein
Fish major contributor to protein. Fish require plankton which survive conditions rich in nitrates and phosphates and have an abundance of sunlight. These favorable nutrients found eastern side of boundary currents like the Benguela. These currents typically flow near ocean floor and due to upwelling creates good environment for fish
Ocean as energy
Tidal Power
Wind Turbines in oceans
Oil and gas from oceanic areas
Ocean currents
Warm - Agulhas, Kuroshio(near jpn), N atlantic drift, E australian etc
Cold - Benguela, Oyashio(jpn) , Peru, Canary
Ocean Gyre
large system of circular o currents formed by global wind patterns and Coriolis force. Movement of gyres circulates o water around planet
Oceanic circulation
As result of salinity changes in ocean which affects water density(due to increased rainfall, temp etc) natural drift in oceans.Less saline tropical water filters down to more saline nutrient rich polar
Thermohaline circulation
Begins in polar regions. Ocean water gets very cold, sea ice forms, surrounding water saltier , increases in density and sinks. Winds drive ocean currents in the upper 100 meters of the ocean’s
Wind blows along shore, Ekman transport pushes surface water out to sea, upwelling along coast, Where the warm surface wind meets the cold upwelled water fog will occur due to condensation.
Air masses that originate over oceans
Maritime air masses
Role of oceans in moderating temp
Ocean receives same amount of insolation as land but water high albedo so most gets reflected. Oceans retain heat longer than land but take twice as long to heat up due to water temp being twice as much as land. Ocean currents + tides distribute heat over large area
Anomalies in terms of oceans
Positive anomaly - ocean current temp higher than actual temp of region
negative - opposite of positive
Role of oceans in world trade
Transport of goods. primary resources, manufactured goods, oil etc traded in containers. Man made canals, trade routes
Problems with oceans as world trade
Water pollution(oil, lead , sewerage etc)
Oceans as climate controllers
Oceans have moderating effect on temp, they affect temp and rain
Short def of upwelling
Cold water from deep thermohaline circulation rises to surface
Impacts of La Nina
Subsidence and drier conditions in Africa and result in better rains but can also result in more flooding.
Impacts of El Nino
rising air and wetter conditions. El nino events occur every few years and in between conditions are normal. can cause devastating droughts.
El Nino Southern Oscillation