Mapwork Calculations Flashcards
North at 0 measure clockwise
Back Bearing
If b>180, substract 180 if b<180, add 180
Direction and flow of rivers
Rivers flow from a high point to a low
point. Some things to look out for:
Height changes
Direction of the Dam wall.
Where the sea is (it is the lowest point so
water will always flow into it)
Slope Types
Gradual - contour lines far apart. Steep - contour lines close
Concave vs convex?
Concave steeper near top. Contour lines start far apart and get closer. Convex is steeper near bottom. Like a ‘V’ convex starts with contour lines close together and they get further apart.
Settlement types
Isolated, dispersed refers to a settlement that is not clustered together but is scattered around the countryside. Nucleated aka clustered, densely packed.
Settlement shapes
Linear(along road) Cross roads, T junction, Stellar
Rise over run(Vd/Hd) GET EVERYTHING IN METRES leave answer as ratio of 1:gradient(m)
Vertical Exaggeration
VE = Vertical Scale / Horizontal scale. Leave as answer as times so if 2500 is the answer you say 2500x
Magnetic Declination
Current Year – Year map was made
Multiply by the annual change. (Write the
Make sure the given Mag decli given is in Deg,
Min and Sec and not Dec. degrees i.e Dec Deg:
32, 8° = Deg/min/sec: 32° 48’ (Ignore the
number left of the comma, multiply the 0.8 by
60’. Number left of the comma is your minutes,
Repeat the process for minutes)
Add or subtract it to the mean mag. Decli. On
map. (if east then subtract; If west then add.)
Magnetic Bearing:
Magnetic Bearing: Add the Magnetic declination
to the Map Bearing
Map colours
Blue – Water features (Rivers, dams, furrows
Red – National Roads
Black/grey – Man-made/built up areas (Roads,
houses, industry, towns ect.)
Green – Cultivated land (Farm land,
Orchards, trees ect.)
Brown – Earth features ( Mountains, sand,
ditches, contours ect.)