Slides Week 10 Flashcards
What is Language?
- The primary way people communicate
- It is universal
- Study of language teaches us about the mind
- A system of communication using sounds or symbols
- Enables us to communicate feelings, thoughts, ideas and experiences
- Do animals have language?
- What about KOKO?
Does Language Convey Meaning?
- Language goes beyond fixed single message signals
- feed me, danger, this way for food
- Facilitates combination & arrangement of sequences of signals
- Spoken word, letters, written words, gestures can be transmitted from one person to another
What does language make possible?
- Create new and unique sentences
- Has structure that is heirarchical
- Is governed by rules which are specific ways components can be arranged
- Heirarchical sysmtems have smaller components that are combined toform larger units
Language satisfies our need to Communicate
- All humans develop language and learn to follow its complex rules
The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language
Deaf Children in Nicaragua
Language satisfies our need to communicate
- All humans develop and learn to follow comples language rules
- Is universal, all cultures have language
- Language development is similar across cultures
- children begin to babble around 7 months
- First meaningful words start around 1 year
- Multi word sentences at around 2 years.
- Levelt 2001
Language Studies - Verbal Behaviourism
- Language is learned through reinforcement
- B.F. Skinner 1957
Language Studies - Noam Chomsky 1957
- Human language is coded in our genes
- Underlying basis of all language is similar
- All language has similar grammatical structure
- Children produce sentences they have never heard and don’t get reinforced
The Study of psychological process by which humans acquire and process language
- Comprehension
- Speech Production
- Representation
- Acquisition
Psycholinguistics - Comprehension
How people understand spoken and written language
Psycholinguistics - Speech Production
How people produce language
Psycholinguistics - Representation
How Language is represented in the mind and in the brain
Psycholinguistics - Acquisition
- All the words a person understands
- Our Mental Dictionary
- The vocabulary of a person
- The pronunciation of words
- Written form of the word
- The conventional spelling system of a language.