slide 1 Flashcards
the scientific study of life
We recognize life by
what living things do
Life possesses
Life displays
evolutionary adaptation
regulatory responses
Living organisms respond to
their environment
Living organisms
grow and develop
Living organisms process
Living organisms reproduce
their own kind
Until well into the 1800’s it was commonly thought that
organisms could arise spontaneously from nonliving matter.
The continuity of life is coded in DNA
Shared molecular “alphabet” of four letters (nucleotides)
DNA Neuclotides
A - Adenine T - Thymine
C - Cytosine G - Guanine
Biologists explore life from
microscopic to global scales
molecule, organelle, cells, tissues, organ, community
Emergent properties
are those properties not present in
the components, only in the system.
Emergent properties are due to
the arrangement and
interaction of parts as complexity increases.
Emergent properties are a common theme
in biology and
can be observed at all levels of organization.
emergent property at
the group level
Schooling of fish and
flocking of birds
The movement of the
group is a result of
interaction of the
movements of the
The functioning of social insect colonies is an
emergent property
Cells are the
Unit of Life
All life is built from cells with certain characteristics
They are all enclosed by a membrane
They all use DNA as genetic information
There are two main kinds of cells
Eukaryotic cells
• Are subdivided by internal membranes into
various membrane-enclosed organelles
• Include animal and plant cells
Prokaryotic cells
Lack the kinds of membrane-enclosed organelles found in eukaryotic cells • Bacterial cells are prokaryotic
The evolutionary view of life came into sharp
focus in 1859 when Charles Darwin published
On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection
- Descent with modification
2. Natural selection