Sleep And Dreaming Flashcards
Repeat every 24 hours; maintained by the superchasmatic nucleus, melatonin
Carcadian rhythms
Resets cycle of light and dark melatonin
Supercharasmatic nucleus
Identifies stages of wakefulness and sleep
High frequency, low amplitude, asynchronous, alert
Beta waves
8-12 hz; relaxed, increased in amplitude synchronous
Alpha waves
Consists of theta waves(4-8 hz), slower frequency, greater amplitude
Stage 1
Consists of theta waves, sleep spindles
Stage 2
< 50% delta waves
Stage 3
> 50% delta waves; hard to wake up
Stage 4
Dreaming, sleep paralysis
Stage 5
Critical role in sleep and arousal
Reticular formation
Sleep walking; stages 3&4 of sleep
Sleep talking
When withdrawal symptoms occurs upon cessation of the drug
Physical dependence
Strong deserve to do the drug even without physical symptoms
Psychological dependence