Skull Osteology & Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
Which is not a function of the skull:
- support and contain the brain
- houses all the senses
- protection of the brain to some degree
- isolates the cerebral circulation
- houses all the senses
* the skull houses only the special senses sight, hearing, and smelling*
Which is not a function of the skull:
- barrier against stresses due to the large masticatory and axial musculature
- bony orbit maintains to position of the eye during rotations which is necessary for binocular vision
- bony fixation of semicircular canals necessary for their function
- protesting of spinal cord
- protection of spinal cord
Which bone of the skull contains:
- contains zygomatic process (small process for articulation with the zygomatic bone)
- contains supraorbital notch/foramen
- region of the forehead back to the coronal suture
Frontal Bone
Which bone of the skull contains:
- 2 bones joined at sagittal suture
- junction of coronal & sagittal sutures is called the bregma
- the suture between the parietal bones & occipital bone is called the lamboid suture
- junction of sagittal suture and lamboid suture is called the lambda
Parietal Bone
Which bone of the skull contains:
- external occipital protuberance (inion)
- superior nuchal line
- inferior nuchal line
Occipital Bone
Which bone of the skull contains:
- squamous part
- petrous part
- zygomatic process
- mandibular fossa
- mastoid process
- external-internal acoustic meatus
- styloid process
- stylomastoid foramen
Temporal Bone
Which bone of the skull contains:
- a body (internal base view) with optic groove, optic foramen, sella turcica
- a greater wing (internal base view) with a foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum
- lesser wings
- superior orbital fissure
- pterygoid process (medial and lateral pterygoid plates) (external base view)
Sphenoid Bone
Which bone of the skull contains:
- cribiform plate
- crista galli
Ethmoid Bone
Which FACIAL bone contains:
- body: infr-orbital foramen
- zygomatic process
- frontal process
- alveolar process
- palatine process (external base view)
Which FACIAL bone contains:
- frontal process
- maxillary process
Zygomatic Bones
Which FACIAL bone contains:
- mental protuberance
- mental forament
- ramus
- angle of mandible
- coronoid process
- condylar process with head
- mandibular notch
Mandible Bone
Which is NOT a facial bone?
- xyphoid process
- nasal bone
- lacrimal bone
- palatine bone
- vomer
- xyphoid process
Which is NOT a Cranial Fossa?
- posterior cranial fossa
- anterior cranial fossa
- middle cranial fossa
- brevis cranial fossa
- brevis cranial fossa
Muscles of facial expression:
facial nerve (CN VII)
Muscles of facial expression:
name them
Frontalis Levator labii superioris Orbicularis oris Orbicularis oculi Depressor anguli oris
Zygomaticus major
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one is sphincter of the eye; fibers encircle the eye and eyelids; closes the eye and forces out tears
orbicularis oculi
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one is a thin, flat muscle that aids in mastication by pressing the cheeks against the teeth during chewing
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one is the sphincter of the mouth; fibers encircle the mouth; closes the mouth
Orbicularis oris
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one runs from infraorbital margin to upper lip; raises the upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one extends from zygomatic bone to the angle of mouth; draws angle up as in laughing.
Zygomaticus major
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one depresses the corner of the mouth?
Depressor Anguli Oris
Muscles of facial expression:
Which one is part of the scalp muscle called the occipitofrontalis; elevates the eyebrows
What nerve innervates muscles of mastication?
trigeminal nerve (CN V - mandibular portion V3)
Facial nerve (CN VII) emerges from the skull thru which foramen?
stylomastoid foramen
Facial nerve (CN VII) has 5 terminal branches. Name them.
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
Innervation of the face is primarily thru 3 branches of which nerve?
Trigeminal n.
3 branches of Trigeminal n:
- ophthalmic n.
- maxillary n.
- mandibular n.
Which branch of the trigeminal n. has motor AND sensory?
mandibular n.
Which branch of the trigeminal n. supplies motor fibers to the muscles of mastication?
mandibular n.