Skull Flashcards
suture between frontal and parietal bones
coronal suture
suture between frontal bone and maxilla
suture between frontal and zygomatic bones
suture between frontal and nasal bones
suture between the two maxillary bones
intermaxillary suture
suture between parietal and occipital bones (^ shape)
lambdoid suture
suture between the palatine bones
median palatine
suture between the occipital and mastoid portion of the temporal bone (basically a continiation of the lamdoid suture)
occipitomastoid suture
suture between the mastoid part of the temporal bone and parietal bone
parietomastoid suture
suture between the parietal bones (on the midline)
sagittal suture
suture between squamous part of temporal bone and parietal bone
suture between sphenoid and frontal bone
suture between the sphenoid and occipital bone (on the ectocranial surface of the base)
sphenoocipital suture
suture betwen sphenoid and parietal bone
sphenoparietal suture
suture between the sphenoid and temporal bones
suture between the sphenoid and zygomatic bones
suture between the temporal and zygomatic bones
suture between the maxilla and palatine bones (in the roof of the mouth)
transverse palatine
suture between maxilla and zygoma
what is a metopic suture?
a retained frontal suture; a non-metric trait in adults
where is bregma located?
at the intersection between the coronal and sagittal sutures
where is lambda located?
at the intersection between the sagittal and lambdoid sutures
where is pterion?
the area where the frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones meet (not all at one point but in a small area!)
which bone are the frontal bosses a feature of and what are they?
protrusions of the frontal bone
which bone posses supraorbital ridges (or glabella) and what are they?
the brow ridge
on the frontal bone
what is the supraorbital margin and what bone forms them?
top of the orbit, formed by the frontal bone
where is the supraorbital foramen located?
foramen in the supraorbital margin (on frontal bone), transmits the supraorbital nerve
on which bone is the zygomatic process present?
frontal bone
where is the frontal crest located?
crest on the endocranial surface at the anterior of the skull
what are arachnoid granulations and where are they found?
small holes/depressions on the midline of the endocranial surface of the frontal bone and present near the saggital suture (as granulations/fovea)
where is the ethmoid notch/groove located and what is its funciton?
frontal bone
where the ethmoid sits
what forms the meningeal grooves and what direction do they travel?
from meningeal vessels
run from inferior to superior-posterior (diagonally backwards) so can be used to identify and side the parietal bone
what can be used to side the parietal bone?
the 90o at bregma (the frontal angle)
middle meningeal vessel is anteirorly close to the coronal suture
the direction of the meningeal grooves
where is the mastoid process found and what does it attach?
temporal bone
where is the external auditory meatus found?
temporal bone
where is the internal auditory meatus?
within th epetrous temporal bone
where is the glenoid/mandibular fossa?
anterior to external auditory meatus
forms the temporomandibular joint
where is the styloid process?
temporal bone
where is the pars lateralis?
occipital bone on either side of the foramen magnum, contains the occipital condyles (that articulate with C1)
where is the basilar process and what does it form when articulated with the sphenoid?
on occipital bone, just anterior to the foramen magnum
forms the basilar synchrondosis
on what bone is the external occipital protuberance found?
occipital bone
what are the nuchal lines called and what do they attach?
superior - trapezius
infeiror - rectus capitis posterior
between - semispinalis capitis
where is the transverse sulcus and what is it’s significance?
occipital bone
for transverse sinus providing venous drainage of the brain
where is the sagittal sulcus and what is it’s significane?
occipital bone
for sagittal sinus, continues from parietal sulcus
what does the greater wing of the sphenoid articulate with?
frontal, parietal and temporal bones
what bone do the medial and lateral pterygoid plates belong and what do they articulate with?
sphenoid anteriorly with palatines posterorly with maxilla medial plate forms part of the nose lateral is for attachment with the medial and lateral pterygoid (mandible)
what does the stella turcica contain?
pituitary fossa for the pituitary gland
where are the clinoid processes?
surround the four corners of the stella turcica of the sphenoid
what cranial nerves are transmitted by the superior orbital fissure?
what nerve is transmitted by the optic foramen/canal?
what does the foramen spinosum transmit?
middle meningeal artery
what nerve does the foramen rotundum transmit?
what does the foramen ovale transmit?
accessory meningeal artery
lesser petrosal nerve
emissery vein
what does the foramen lacerum transmit and what bones contribute to it?
carotid artery
sphenoid, occipital, temporal
what foramen are present on the zygomatic bone?
zygomatico-orbital foramen
zygomatico-facial foramen
zygomatico-temporal foramen (CN VII)
what processes are present on the zygomatic bone and what do they articulate with?
maxillary process - maxilla
fronto-sphenoidal process - frontal and sphenoid bones
temporal/zygomatic process - articulations with temporal and zygomatic bones
what does the frontal process of the maxilla form?
the nasal aperture
what do the alveolar processes contain?
alveolus = tooth socket
what bone contains the anterior nasal spine and what does it form?
most inferior/anteiror part of nasal aperture
what formes the canine eminence and where is it found?
created by large single root of canines
what do the incisive foramen/canals supply?
blood to the palate
what does the infraorbital foramen transmit and where is it found?
infraorbital artery and vein maxillary sinus
where is the lacrimal groove and what does it transmit?
lacrimal bone, opens into inferior meatus of nose
transmits the nasolacrimal duct
what bone contains the cribiform plate?
where is the crista galli?
perpindicular crest of the ethmoid
where is the perpindicular plate?
most inferior part of the the ethmoid
which turbinate does the inferior nasal concha form?
inferior (middle and superior are from the ethmoid)
what are the names of the ear ossicles?
malleolus, incus and stapes
what is the function of the coronoid process of the mandible?
attachment of the temporalis
what does the madnibular condyle articulate wtih?
articular disc of the TMJ
what does the gonial angle of the mandible attach?
what is the mental tuberosity/mentum of the mandible colloquially known as?
the chin
where is the mental foramen and what does it transmit?
what do the mental spines attach?
where is the mylohyoid groove and what does it transmit?
passage of mylohyoid vessels and CNV
sexing the skull: whole skull
female: small, smooth and rounded
male: large and rugged
sexing the skull: nuchal crest
female: small rounded
male: large, hooked
sexing the skull: mastoid process
female: small
male: large
note: volume not length
sexing the skull: supraorbital margin
female: sharp, thin
male: thickened, rounded
sexing the skull: supraorbital ridge/glabella
female: smooth, no projection
male: large, most of anterior position
sexing the skull: frontal and parietal eminences
female: pronounced
males: small
sexing the skull: orbit
female: rounded, higher
male: squared, lower
sexing the skull: frontal and zygomatic
female: vertical frontal, light zygomatic
male: slopign frontal, heavy zygomatic
sexing the skull: palate
female: smaller, parabolic
male: larger, u-shaped
sexing the skull: mandible
female: small, gracial, gonial angle >90o, slight gonial faring
male: large, broad ramus, gonial angle 90o, pronounced gonial flaring
what are the foramen on the external surface of base of the skull? (from posteiror to anterior)
condylar canal stylomastoid foramen jugular foramen carotid canal foramen lacerum foramen spinosum foramen ovale
what are the foramen on the internal surface of the base of the skull? (from posterior to anterior)
condylar canal jugular foramen internal acoustic meatus foramen lacerum foramen spinosum foramen ovale foramen rotundum superior orbital fissue optic canal
how do Meindl and Lovejoy (1985) classify suture closure and how do they use it to determine age?
0 = open 1 = minimal (single bone bridge to 50%) 2 = signifcant (more than 50% closed) 3 = obliterated (complete closure) add the scores to provide a composite score that corresponds to an age