Skull Flashcards
suture between frontal and parietal bones
coronal suture
suture between frontal bone and maxilla
suture between frontal and zygomatic bones
suture between frontal and nasal bones
suture between the two maxillary bones
intermaxillary suture
suture between parietal and occipital bones (^ shape)
lambdoid suture
suture between the palatine bones
median palatine
suture between the occipital and mastoid portion of the temporal bone (basically a continiation of the lamdoid suture)
occipitomastoid suture
suture between the mastoid part of the temporal bone and parietal bone
parietomastoid suture
suture between the parietal bones (on the midline)
sagittal suture
suture between squamous part of temporal bone and parietal bone
suture between sphenoid and frontal bone
suture between the sphenoid and occipital bone (on the ectocranial surface of the base)
sphenoocipital suture
suture betwen sphenoid and parietal bone
sphenoparietal suture
suture between the sphenoid and temporal bones
suture between the sphenoid and zygomatic bones
suture between the temporal and zygomatic bones
suture between the maxilla and palatine bones (in the roof of the mouth)
transverse palatine
suture between maxilla and zygoma
what is a metopic suture?
a retained frontal suture; a non-metric trait in adults
where is bregma located?
at the intersection between the coronal and sagittal sutures
where is lambda located?
at the intersection between the sagittal and lambdoid sutures
where is pterion?
the area where the frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones meet (not all at one point but in a small area!)
which bone are the frontal bosses a feature of and what are they?
protrusions of the frontal bone
which bone posses supraorbital ridges (or glabella) and what are they?
the brow ridge
on the frontal bone
what is the supraorbital margin and what bone forms them?
top of the orbit, formed by the frontal bone
where is the supraorbital foramen located?
foramen in the supraorbital margin (on frontal bone), transmits the supraorbital nerve
on which bone is the zygomatic process present?
frontal bone
where is the frontal crest located?
crest on the endocranial surface at the anterior of the skull
what are arachnoid granulations and where are they found?
small holes/depressions on the midline of the endocranial surface of the frontal bone and present near the saggital suture (as granulations/fovea)
where is the ethmoid notch/groove located and what is its funciton?
frontal bone
where the ethmoid sits
what forms the meningeal grooves and what direction do they travel?
from meningeal vessels
run from inferior to superior-posterior (diagonally backwards) so can be used to identify and side the parietal bone
what can be used to side the parietal bone?
the 90o at bregma (the frontal angle)
middle meningeal vessel is anteirorly close to the coronal suture
the direction of the meningeal grooves
where is the mastoid process found and what does it attach?
temporal bone
where is the external auditory meatus found?
temporal bone