Skull Flashcards
Joint where the skull joins the spine?
Dogs have 3 types of skulls, cats have 1. What are the 3 types and what determines the catagories?
Doliocephalic, Mesaticephalic, Brachycephalic
Nasal cavity vs. cranium length (14 bones, 4 paired, 6 unpaired)
frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, basioccipital, and cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
Bones of the skull, lateral , dorsal, ventral?
Normal cat skull (lateral)
The temporomandibular joint is a _____ jt. which articulates b/t the condylar process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the ____ bone.
TMJ is bounded caudally by the _______ process of the temporal bone and rostrodorsally by articular eminence ( a raised area located on the articulated surface of the temporal bone, in conjunction with the condyle of the mandible it allows for the opening and closing)
Cats have a tighter TMJ than dogs due to their large _______ process.
retroarticular ( a prominence or projection, as from a bone.)
Mandibular symphysis is a cartilage joint that permits the mandibular rami to move independently and allows the TMJ to _____ w/o fracturing.
Skull measurements.
A. Dorsal view:
- Skull length, 2. Facial length, 3. Upper neurocranium length, 4. Cranial length, 5. Viscerocranial length, 6. Greatest length of the nasals, 7. Snout length, 8. Least breadth between the orbits, 9. Frontal breadth, 10. Least breadth of skull, 11. Maximum width of neurocranium, 12. Maximum zygomatic width, Ak. Akrokranion, E. Euryon, Ect. Ectorbitale, Ent. Entorbitale, N. Nasion, P. Prosthion, Z. Zygion.
Skull measurements- ventral view
- Condylobasal length, 2. Basal length, 3. Median palatal length, 4. Length of the horizontal part of the palatine, 5. Length of the horizontal part of the palatine-1, 6. Palatal length, 7. Greatest breadth of the palatine (P4 level), 8. Least palatal breadth, 9. Breadth at the canine alveoli, 10. Length of the premolar row, 11. Length of the molar row, 12. Length of the cheektooth row, 13. Greatest diameter of the auditory bulla, 14. Breadth dorsal to the external auditory meatus, Ba. Basion, P. Prosthion, Po. Palatinoorale, St. Stayphylion.
Skull measurements continued.
A. Left-Lateral view:
- Greatest inner height of orbit, 2. Neurocranium length, 3. Braincase length, 4. Skull height, Ba. Basion, Cp. Cribriform plate, N. Nasion
Occipital view:
- Height of the occipital triangle, 2. Height of the foramen magnum, 3. Maximum width of the foramen magnum, 4. Maximum width of occipital condyles, 5. Greatest breadth of the bases of the jugular process, 6. Greatest mastoid breadth, Ba .Basion, O. Opisthion, Ot. Otion.
What is the name of this bone and what does it do?
cribiform plate- seperates the nasal cavity from the brain
The horse breathes through nares (nostrils) which expand during exercise. The nasal passages have two turbinates on either side which increase the surface area to which air is exposed. Name them.
1 : Concha nasalis dorsalis 2 : Concha nasalis media 3 : Concha nasalis ventralis
Maxillary turbinates are ____ and ethmoid turbinates are ____.
What is the difference between alveolar crest and the neck of the tooth?
Neck= area b/t crown and root of tooth
Alveolar crest= surface bone b/t teeth
Describe the difference b/t the larynx, nasopharynx, oropharynx and pharynx?
Pharynx- extends from level of orbit to C1-2 and is associated with both respiratory and digestive systmes
Nasopharynx is a space caudal to the hard palate and dorsal to the soft palate
oropharynx- is ventral to soft palate, b/t tongue, tonsils, and larynx.
Larynx- the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; the voice box.
The _______ are those curly cue bones that do the rolly thing and the nasal septum is what’s grooving down the middle.
What is the name of the tissue that would cover the turbinates?
The ______ is the “oral” pharynx, so that’s how you can remember it. And the _______ is the “nasal” pharynx that we use to breathe! And you can see the hard palate really easily in most dogs and cats, it’s just the roof of the mouth. The soft palate is that thing in pugs that makes them make the snorty noise.
Then we got the larynx. The larynx is actually the assortment of the _____, _____ ____, and the _____.
epiglottis, arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold.
What bone?
Then we got the hyoid bone, which is easiest to be seen on an x-ray.
Name the hyoid bones.