Skin, Hair, and Nails Lecture Flashcards
What is the outermost layer of skin
What are the 2 layers of epidermis
stratum corneum
cellular stratum
stratum corenaum
helps protect form harmful envrionmetnal substances, restrictes water loss, closely packed dead squamous cells that contain keratin
cellular stratum
both melanin and kertain are formed
how long does migration from inner layer to upper layer of cellular stratum take
4 weeks
richly vascular CT layer, contains sensory nerve fivers and autonnomic motor neurons
aubcutanous tissue
loose CT filled with fatty celsl
2 types of hair
vellus, terminal hair
basal cell carcinoma
most common
usually stays local
how do you treat basal cell carcinoma
excision, cryotherapy, topical therapy
squamous cell carcinoma
second most common
primarily head, neck, and oral
actinic keratosis
precanoucerous lesion that can preced squamous cell carconma
treatment for squamous cell carcionma
excision, topical, radiation, chemo
what causes the most skin cance rdeaths