SKIN Flashcards
What is eruptive xanthoma?
dome shaped “yellow orange” or “tan to dark brown” firm papules w/ assoc redness
all lesions @ same stage of development
Where do you find eruptive xanthoma?
tends to involve extensor surfaces of extremities & buttocks
What is molluscum contagiousum?
benign, self-limited eruption of characteristic umbilicated, papular skin lesions caused by localized poxvirus infection
Can an pt spread molluscum contagiousum?
YES (can be spread by direct contact, auto-incoluation or sexually in adults)
What is seborrheic dermatosis?
fine greasy scales that are dry, pruritic & red
on scalp, face, neck, chest, upper back
What is seborrheic keratosis?
lesions have “stuck-on” appearance, well circumscribed & waxy
may appear like wart, more in older pts
What does not differentiate molluscum contagiousum from acne vulgaris?
BOTH are papular lesions
Different in stage of lesion, distribution, age of onset & comedones
What is erythema multiforme?
classic target lesion (well-defined, circular, erythematous macules/papules)
on shoulder, arms, hips
EM minor v major
EM minor: acral distribution usually symmetrical & no mucosal involvement
EM major: progressive involvement, more centripetal, many mucus membranes involved
If pt presents w/ EM major, what would be the best initial choice?
go to ED (if have mucus membrane involvement, can progress rapidly to affect airway & fluid intake so need to admit to monitor for possible airway compromise)
What is Stevens Johnson syndrome?
skin lesions caused by drugs, advanced form of toxic epidermal necrolysis
What is toxic epidermal necrolysis?
skin lesions w/ widespread involvement (skin sloughing where pt looks like have extensive burns)
What are the risks assoc w/ TEN?
risk of dehydration, hypernatremia & sepsis
can have tracheobronchial involvement/develop ATN (acute tubular necrosis)
What are is the major concern if pt comes in with dermatomyositis?
underlying malignancy (need to screen for breast, skin & colon cancer)
What is acral lentiginous melanoma?
rare, aggressive melanoma commonly on palms, soles & under nails in people of color
What is an atypical presentation of melanoma?
melanoma can occur anywhere & in darker complexions (a look alike is blue nevus)