HYHO Concepts in GI Assessment Flashcards
What is dyspepsia?
pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen
can be assoc w/ fullness, early satiety, bloating, nausea
intermittent, continuous, related to meals
What is the most common cause of gastritis worldwide?
H pylori
What are sxs of acute gastritis?
sudden onset of epigastric pain, N/V, bloated or early satiety
possible history of smoking, alcohol or NSAID, steroid intake or radiation therapy
What are sxs of chronic gastritis?
sxs consistent w/ Fe def anemia, neuro sxs related to B12 def (paresthesia of hands & feet), may have epigastric pain
FH may be +
What makes more suspicious for chronic gastritis?
pt w/ known autoimmune disorder (Hashimoto thyroiditis, Addison dz, myasthenia gravia, DM, lichen planus)
What are PE findings & labs for acute/chronic gastritis?
PE benign, some epigastric tenderness to palpation
test for H pylori w/ urea breath test or stool antigen test
What are sxs & signs of GERD?
post-prandial epigastric pain that radiates upward
burning sensation (heart burn)
worse w/ large meals, supine posture, bending over
alleviated by foods or antacids
regurgitation of food/fluid @ night, dysphagia & odynophagia, esophageal erosions or ulcers
dental erosions, reflux induced asthma, chronic cough, laryngitis
What are red flag features of PE for GERD?
wt loss
What is peptic ulcer dz (PUD)?
break in the mucosal surface (>5mm)
incidence increasees w/ age, assoc w/ smoking & heavy alcohol use
NOT assoc w/ diet or stress
Sxs specific for gastric ulcer
pain is dull, aching, gnawing, hunger like
peak btwn 55-70yo
assoc w/ NSAIDs use
pain that awakens pt from sleep (1/3 pts)
Sxs specific for duodenal ulcer
pain is dull, aching, gnawing, hunger like
peak btwn 30-55yo
pain that awakens pt from sleep (2/3 pts)
What should the initial eval for gastric & duodenal ulcers include?
should perform both H pylori & FOB tests
When is endoscopy incidated?
if pt sxs persist or red flag features
What is acute calculous cholecystitis?
stone becomes lodged in cystic duct causing biliary colic due to GB distension & inflammation
What is chronic cholecystitis?
recurrent pain caused by GB constriction against stone of transient obstruction of cystic duct
What is choledocholiathiasis?
stone exits GB into common bile duct, leads to biliary obstruction w/ infection (cholangitis)
What is GB pancreatitis?
caused by obstruction of pancreatic duct by gallstone
What is GB dyskinesia?
acalculous dysfxn of GB but presents similar to acute cholecystitis
What is biliary sludge?
micro-precipitate of components of gallstones (bile, cholesterol crystals, calcium bilirubminate)
Highest prevalence for gallstones?
in middle-aged, obese women
Major risk factors for gallstone formation?
obesity & caloric excess
rapid wt loss, starvation diets, gastric bypass
What are the sxs of biliary dz?
most pts w/ gallstones are asymptomatic
biliary colic presents w/ steady, localized pain in RUQ or epigastrum, radiates to back or R scapula
duration from 2-4 hours
assoc w/ fatty food intolerance, belching, bloating
JAUNDICE (elevated liver enzymes & increased BR)
What test is used for biliary dz?
transabdominal ultrasound of RUQ 6 hours post fasting (85%-95% sensitive, 99% specific)
look for stones & biliary sludge, thickness of GB wall
What is the sonographic Murphy sign?
pain over GB from ultrasound probe
sensitivity & specificity for GB dz is >95%