Skin Flashcards
bumps you get from ear piercings
-reduced risk if ears are pierced before age 11
ethnicities with strongest body odor
caucasians and african americans
good braden score
6 components of braden score
sensory perception moisture activity mobility nutrition friction and shear
3 components of a PUSH score
length x width (0-10) exudate amount (0-3) tissue type (0-4): necrotic (escher), slough, granulation tissue, pink epithelial tissue, or closed/resurfaced
acanthose niagrans
dark, velvety skin on the back of the neck
-sign of diabetes, telling us there’s too much sugar in the blood
bruise- red or purple macule that is bigger than petechiae but smaller than 1 cm
localized bleeding that pools together to create an elevated ecchymosis (egg on head)
cherry angioma
tiny, bright red, rased papules
spider angioma
red central body with radiating branches, looks like a spider, blanchable
blue or red spider-like or linear marks on the extremeties from venous pressure on the capillaries
ABCDE pneumonic
Asymmetry Border Color Diameter Elevation
how do you identify MRSA?
pustule, elevated, large, cellulitis around it
longitudinal ridging nails
half and half nails
kidney and renal disease
pitting nails
looks like microscopic bebes
autoimmune disease like psoriasis
spoon shaped nails
yellow nail syndrome
AIDS and chronic respiratory issues
and stained in smokers
fungus (tinea pedis)
infection to cuticle and causes fungus
bows line
horizontal ridge- seen in people who have MI or some other life-threatening situation
no expression on the face
cervical vertebrae