Final Exam Flashcards
patho of rheumatoid arthritis
- synovial inflammation and joint architecture destruction
- rheumatoid factor: antibody against IgG fragments in most pts
- Pannus: destructive vascular granulation tissue destructive to adjacent cartilage and bone (causes necrosis)
assessment of rheumatoid arthritis
- Pannus at the joint cavity
- fatigue, weakness and limited ROM, morning stiffness
- diagnosed before age 60
assessment of gout
tophi in the nodules (accumulation of crystalline deposits
oliguric phase of acute renal failure
- elevated BUN and creatinine
- decreased specific gravity
- decreased GFR
- decreased urine output
hemolytic anemia
premature destruction of RBCs, retention of iron and the other products of Hgb destruction, and a compensatory increase in erythropoesis
inherited disease that causes anemia; deficiency in Hb due to decreased sythesis of the effective chain and increased production of the ineffective chain
nephritic vs nephrotic syndromes
- nephritic: acute onset, proteinuria, HTN, azotemia (increased BUN), renal insufficiency
- nephrotic: hypoalbuminemia causes edema, worse proteinuria
cause of glomerulonephritis
- autodigestion of the pancrease
- starts with trypsin
- cullen’s sign: discoloration of the abdomen and periumbilical area
- turner’s sign: bluish discoloration of the flanks
- guarding
- enzymes are elevated 3x the normal amount and appear in the blood (amylase, lipase)
GERD can lead to…
Barrett esophagus, which can lead to adenocarcinoma
assessment of liver cirrhosis
liver border would feel lumpy
patho of liver cirrhosis
- scar tissue doesn’t do what it’s supposed to- there is less blood flow through the liver, the blood backs up into the organs before the liver
- this is portal HTN- veins from stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas merge into the portal vein
- non-reversible
carpal tunnel tests
- Phalen’s test: wrists together for 3 mins
- Tinel sign: light percussion on the median nerve
transverse fracture
problem with lots of bleeding to the surrounding structures (most concerning is blood vessels
-has to have tons of force
spiral fracture
- from spinning
- kids putting arms in washing machines
- child abuse
comminuted fracture
- more than one piece of bone
- need external fixation
segmental fracture
piece of the bone comes out
butterfly fracture
- bite of the bone comes out
- seen in osteopenia, osteoporosis, bone cancer
impacted fracture
from compression (jumping out of the window and landing on feet)
test for osteoporosis
dexa scan
thin, grayish-white discharge with foul, fishy odor
-treat with flagyl
primary syphilis
chancre at the site of exposure
secondary syphilis
skin rash, fever, sore throat, stomatitis, nausea, loss of appetite, inflamed eyes, alopecia, genital lesions
tertiary syphilis
- happens after a latent phase
- localized gumma lesions, CNS lesions, CV effects
- Gumma lesions- start as a soft ulcer, burrows down into the tissues
- bodies reaction to the spirochete is that it tries to get rid of it, but it destroys tissue instead
risk of ovarian cancer
- increases the older you have children
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase susceptibility
- high fat diet and genital talc powders
problem with hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state