Skeletal System of the Cat Flashcards
The Axial skeleton is consists of
Skull, Mandible, Hyoid, Apparatus, Vertebral column, ribs and sternum
On the dorsal surface, the following bones and structure should be identified
A pair of bones forming the lower boundary of the external nares, each bone bears three small incisor teeth
Premaxillary bones
A long pointed bone located posterior to each external nares
Nasal bones
Each of there two bones lies lateral to a nasal bone and bears five teeth, makeup the greater part of the upper jaw and palate
Maxillary bones
A pair of large bones forming the anterior part of the skull and a large portion of the medial wall of each orbit
Frontal bones
Each bone (of the frontal bone) has a laterally projecting
Postorbital process
Each of these two bones bounds the orbit laterally and forms a part of the zygomatic arch
Malar (jugal) bone
Each molar bone has a postorbital process that extends upward of the frontal bones on the side and a ventrocaudally directed
Zygomatic process
The pair of bones is located at a posterolateral region of the skill, each articulates anteriorly with a frontal bone and meets its mate in the mid-dorsal line
Parietal bone
A single median triangular bone located between the posterior part of the two parietal bones
Interparietal bone
These large flat bones are located on each side of the skull
Squamosal bones
The squamosal bone gives rise to a zygomatic process which is directed toward the molar one to complete the ___
Zygomatic arch
The part of the occipital bones located posterior to the parietals
Supraoccipital bone
This is the anterior of the two large cavities formed between the frontal bone and zygomatic arch
The posterior of the two cavities, it is partially separated from the orbit by the post orbital processes of the malar and frontal bones
Planum bones
A transverse crest extending across the upper part of the occipital bone
Lambdoidal ridge