Skeletal system Flashcards
Classification of bones
long bones
Short bones
Flat bones
Irregular bones
Sesamoid bones
Long bones
allow movement, support and red blood cell production
E.g. femur, humerus, tibia, radius, ulna
Short bones
fine or small movements, shock absorption, stability and weight bearing
E.g. carpels, tarsels
Flat bones
attached for muscles and protection
E.g. sternum, scapular, pelvis and cranium
Irregular bones
protection, movement and spinal cord
E.g. vertebrae
Sesamoid bones
protection and reduction of friction across a joint
E.g. patella and wrist
Neutral spine
S shape
Good posture
Vertical from front veiw
Excessive outward curvature in the thoracic region
Causes bad posture
Abnormal curvature to left or right in the thoracic region
Found in children
Development of bone from the cartilage
where the bone breaks down
which is the building of the bone, stronger with exercise
Epiphyseal plates
ends of bone contain growing areas, allow the bone to grow longer, continues throughout childhood till maturity
Epiphyseal line
Fuses with the main shaft
In the embryo
made up of cartridge and is firm but elastic
Mature bones
hard, rigid, non elastic materials, strong and light
Young person
development of one from the cartilidge, ossification
Functions of skeleton
Storage of minerals
Weight bearing
Fixed joint (fibrous)
immovable joints that interlock or overlap during early childhood, held together with fibrous strong tissue, cranium
Slightly moveable (cartilaginous)
allow slight movement, end of bones are smooth and shiny covering, reduces friction between the bones, between veretbre
Moveable (synovial)
freely moveable joints, vital to all sporting movements, always have a synovial cavity or space between the bones, joint fluid lubricates the joint, elbow
Synovial fluid
lubricates and reduces friction of the joint
Synovial membrane
contains and releases synovial fluid
Articulate cartilage
prevent bones from rubbing and acts as a shock absorber
Joint capsule
surrounds he synovial joint it protects and stabilises the joint
joins bone to bone, they stabilise the joint
fluid filled sac that provides a cushion between the tendons and reduces bone friction
Responses of the skeletal system to a single sport or exercise session
Synovial fluid protection
Uptake of minerals Increased pliability of ligaments
Adaptations of the skeletal system to exercise
increased bone density and strength
Increased ligament strength
Increased thickness of articulation cartilage
causes pain and stiffness in the joint
Inflammation within a synovial joint
Bones rub together and reduces cartilage tissue
E.g. causes osteoporosis
increased age - the bones weaken
Caused by loss of calcium / vitamin D
Exercise reduces weakness of bones