Skeletal system Flashcards
Hollow chamber in bone filled with air- lighten the weight of the skull and give a resonant sound of the voice
foreman, canal, fissure
openings in the bone that allow for nerves, blood supply, passageway
Process, ramus
elevations in bone
trochanter, tuberosity, tubercle, crest, line, spine
processes or projections for tendon or ligament attachment
Head, Neck, trochlea, condyle, facet
processes designed for articulation with adjacent bones
fossa, sulcus
depression in bone
Long bones
long, thin bones, designed to support body weight and enable movement - humerous, ulna, radius, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, and metatarsals
Flat bones
form the roof of the skull to protect the brain
Short bones
small and cube shaped. carpals in the hand and Tarsals in the feet
Irregular bones
varied in shape with ridges or irregular surfaces –the vertebrae, and pelvic bones (ilium, pubis, and ischium)
Sesamoid bones
small and round reinforcing tendons (ex. patella)
axial skeleton
skull, vertebral column, sternum, laryngeal skeleton, and thoracic rib cage
22 bones (8 cranial and 14 facial)
Soft spots in a new born heads to allow for skull growth and birth - close around two months but up to 2 years
anterior longitudinal ligament
connecting the anterior vertebral bodies
foreman magnum
The occipital bone contains a large opening through which the spinal cord passes to become the brain stem.
can lead to deafness - inflammation of the mastoid sinuses
occurs when the soft tissues inside the sinuses become inflamed from virus, bacteria, or allergy
carotid canal
opening in the temporal lobe to allow for the internal carotid artery
external acoustic meatus
for transmission of sound - also located in the temporal bone
lower jaw, and only movable portion of the skull
Also the mandible and vomer are the only non-paired bones of the facial skeleton
zygomatic bones
give our cheeks prominence
pectoral girdle
also know as shoulder girdle -composed of two clavicles bones and two scalplae
The scapula is freely movable and only held together by muscles
means the bone is removed from the socket. A dislocated shoulder Is when the humerous is removed from the glenoid cavity.
posterior longitudinal ligament
connecting the posterior vertebral bodies
interspinous ligaments
connects the spinous process of two adjacent vertebrae
supraspinous ligament
connects the posterior portion of the spinous process
intervertebral discs
act as padding in-between the vertebrae
crescent shaped cartilage that give added stability for the femur to articulate with the tibia.
13 fluid filled sacs in the knee joint that ease friction between tendons, ligaments, and bones
composed of fibrous connective tissue
Fibrous joints
immovable (such as the ones between the cranial bones
Cartilaginous joints
slightly movable ( such as between the vertebrae)
synovial joints
freely movable
joint capsule
ligaments hold bones in to place by forming a joint capsule- the capsule is lined with synovial fluid a lubricant for the joints
Long bones
Humerus, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, ulna, and radius. Long and thin- designed to support body weight and enable movement.
Flat bones
Cranium bones -form the roof of the skull and protect the brain - these make red blood cells
Short bones
small and cubed shaped -found in the carpals and tarsals
Irregular bones
varied in structure and with ridges and irregular surfaces - the vertebrae are irregular bones designed to protect the spinal cord and for movement. The pelvic bones-the ilium, ischium, and pubis are also irregular.
Sesamoid bones
small and round, reinforcing tendons - the patella is a sesamoid bone
zygomatic bones
give our cheekbones prominence
The only non paired bones in the skull
mandible and vomer (the mid-nose bone)
palatine bones
make up the posterior portion of the hard palate and floor of the nasal cavity
lacrimal bone
each thin, scale like, lacrimal bone lies between an ethmoid bone and maxillary bone
thin, flat vomer joins the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone with the nasal bone to form the nasal septum.
inferior nasal conchae
bones located inferiorly to the middle conchae
middle and superior nasal conchae
are formed from the grooves of the ethmoid bones - these swirl incoming air and warm and humidify it.
spinous processes
can be palpitated from the dorsal side as bony projections along the midline of the neck and back
articular facets
allow adjacent vertebrae to articulate with each other– the spinal cord is protected in the center of the vertebrae and spinal nerves exit between the vertebrae
temporal lobe
has an opening that leads to the middle ear
sphenoid bone
completes the sides of the skull and contributes to the floors and walls of the eye sockets
ethmoid bone
in front of the sphenoid bone is part of the orbital wall and in addition part of the nasal septum.
Which bones lie largely inside the skull?
the sphenoid (butterfly shaped on the inside) and ethmoid bone
located in the skull that serve many purposes such as passage for blood vessels, nerves, and spinal cord
foramen magnum
allows for passage of the spinal cord into the skull
carotid canal
an opening in the temporal lobe for the carotid artery
thoracic foramina
transverse processes have transverse foramina that allow for the passage of vertebral arteries and vertebral veins
cervical vertebrae
These have the largest vertebral foramen of the vertebrae. Have a spinous bifid spinous process and have transverse processes that have transverse foramina to allow for the passage of vertebral arteries and veins
Thoracic vertabrae
Have a medium sized vertebral body and contain facets (transverse costal facets, and superior costal facets) – T11 and T12
Lumbar vertebrae
has a broader, shorter spinous process that points posteriorly. The vertebral bodies are the largest, enabling support of the head, neck, trunk, upper limbs
contains 5 fused bones at the base of the spine - provides attachment sites for ligaments and tendons
contains 4 or 5 fused bones which begin to fuse by age 25. Provides attachment sites for ligaments and tendons
12 ribs on each side. All ribs are attached directly to the thoracic vertebrae. Ribs 1-7 connect directly to the sternum. 8-10 connect indirectly to the sternum via shafts of cartilage to the sternum. 11-12 are floating ribs that because they do not attach to the sternum
Three parts (shaped like a neck tie)
Manubrium (“top knot part”)
Xiphoid process
Appendicular Skeleton
Contains the pectoral and pelvic girdle and the limbs that attach to it
Pectoral girdle
Pectoral girdle (shoulder) girdle and upper limbs are specialized for increased range of motion and flexibility- provides very little stability
Has 2 clavicles, and 2 scapulae
Each clavicle connects with the sternum anteriorly and the scapula posteriorly
The scapula is freely movable and held into place only by muscles and ligaments – this allows for many movements of the arm
Pelvic Girdle
Pelvis and lower limbs are designed for strength
acromion process
connects the clavicle anteriorly (
Glenoid cavity
Where the humorous articulates with the scapula
the neck contains the glenoid cavity
coracoid process
projects anteriorly from the scapula allowing for muscular attachments
Consists of the head, neck, shaft, capitulum, trochlea
articulates with a small portion of the radius
articulates with the ulna
medial and lateral epicondyle
Can be palpated on the medial and lateral sides of the elbow
olecranon process
prominent bone on the ulna that can be palpated on the elbow posteriorly.
the distal end of the humerus meets the ulna and radius at the elbow
Radius and Ulna postion
When in anatomical position with palms facing anteriorly, the ulna and radius are almost parallel. When the arm is turned so the palms are facing the body the ulna and radius twist - this allows for the twisting motion of the forearm
Interosseous membrane
membrane in-between the ulna and radius
Carpals (8 bones) Acronym
Sally left the party to take Charlie Home
Lateral to medial
proximal row
Scaphoid, Lunate, triquetral, pisiform
distal row
Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Pelvic girdle
consists of two, heavy coxal bones called ossa coxae
the coal bones are symmetrical and formed by three bones fused together, the ilium, ischium (sits bones) , and pubis
where the femur articulates with the pelvic girdle called the hip joint
medial malleolus
of the tibia on the medial side of the ankle
lateral malleolus
on the lateral side of the fibula
medullary cavity
a cavity in the center of bones filled with bone marrow
extends throughout the diaphysis or center length of the bone
yellow bone marrow
fat storage tissue found primarily in long bones
red bone marrow
primarily in short and flat bones for producing red blood cells
** newborns have all red bone marrow and over time it turns to yellow bone marrow in the long bones
spongy bone
surrounds the diaphysis -and is thickest at the end of bones
contains numerous bars and plates separated by irregular spaces
lighter than compact bone but still designed for strength
compact bone
contains many osteons in which osteocytes (bone cells) in tiny chambers called lacunae are arranged in concentric circles around center canals
the center canals contain blood vessels and nerves
blood vessels bring in nutrients that allow the bone to renew itself
tiny chambers that are separated by a matrix the contain collagen fibers, protein fibers, and mineral fibers made of phosphorus salts and calcium
break down bone, remove worn cells, and deposit calcium in the bone
repair the destruction caused by osteoclasts. As they form new bone, osteoblasts take calcium from the blood.
Eventually they caught in a matrix they secrete and mature into osteocytes - the cells found inside the lacunae of osteons
**physical use as well as hormone imbalances can effect the thickness of bones
when cartilage is converted into bones - in early prenatal development, the bones are cartilage and begin ossification when calcium salts are deposited into the matrix
endochondrial ossification
the ossification of bone from hyaline cartilage. Once cartilage begins to die, blood vessels start to penetrate the bone and deliver osteoblasts
growth plate
a cartilaginous disk remains in primary ossification center of developing bones which can increase in length– during puberty the discs become completely ossified and bones stop growing
intermembranous ossification
formation of flat bones from connective tissue
begin with mesenchymal cells differentiating into osteoblasts at specific points of connective tissue
closed (simple) fractures
bone breaks but remains in the skin
open (compound) fractures
occur when the bone breaks and part of the bone shaft breaks the skin
Greenstick fracture
occurs when the bone bend and breaks but not all the way across
comminuted fracture
when the bone is broken in more then two segments – typically require surgery to repair
impacted fracture
when one end of a Broken shaft is pushed inside the other part of the bone
rheumatoid artritis
the synovial membrane becomes inflamed and thickens – autoimmune disease
degenerative changes make the joint almost immovable –and painful to use
Old age or osteoarthritis
the articular cartilage at the end of bones begin to disintegrate – the two bones become rough and irregular making them painful to move
effect the joints that got the most use over long periods of time
a bone tissue disease where the bone tissue disinegrates faster than it is replaced
brittle bones cause pain and break easily
hinge joints
knee and elbow -permit movement in one direction
ball and socket joint
allow movement in all planes and even allow rotational movement - hip and shoulder joint
saddle joint
the thumb is a saddle joint that allows it to cross over the palm
pivot joint
allows for rotational movement of the cervical vertebrae C1 and C2
what bone forms anterior portion the hard palate
the maxilla
what is the purpose of costal facets on the thoracic vertebrae
They allow for articulation with the ribs
the line along the midline of the sacrum is called what
median sacral crest
the capitulum articulates with a small portion of the
what is the prominent bone that can be palpated in the elbow posteriorly
what structure connects the ulna and the radius
interosseous membrane
The patella
Sits anteriorly to the femur, formed within the quadriceps femoris tendon
bones are storage areas for what?
inorganic calcium and phosphorus salts
What are some differences in the male and female pelvis
The public brim and arch are wider in females. In males it is more round and the pubic arch is narrower. In Females it is more oval
ossifcation of bones
When cartilage is converted to bones-calcium salts are deposited in the matrix, first by precursor cartilaginous cells, and later by osteoblasts
endochondrial ossification
the ossification of long bones from hyaline cartilage - begins at primary ossification center in middle of the bone. Once the cartilage begins to die -blood vessels penatrate to deliver osteoblasts and medullary cavity is formed.
intramembranous ossification
formation of flat bones from connective tissue. Begins with mesenchymal cells differentiating into osteoblasts - then they secrete bone tissue. Once enough bone tissue is secreted they turn into osteocytes
Most joints are ___
freely movable synovial joints