Skeletal, Muscules, Respiratory & Cardiovascular Flashcards
In what plane does a bicep curl follow?
When throwing a discuss, through which plane does your arm move?
Name the two main sections of the skeleton
Axial & Appendicular
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
PASSS Protection Attachment of skeletal muscle Support Source of red blood cell production Store of minerals
Abduction and adduction at the shoulder - what plane?
Define origin of a muscle
Point of muscular attachment to a stationary bone which stays relatively fixed during muscular contraction
Define insertion of a muscle
Point of muscular attachment to a moveable bone which gets closer to the origin during muscular contraction
Define agonist
A muscle responsible for creating movement at a joint, also known as the prime mover
Define antagonist
A muscle that opposes the agonist, providing resistance for coordinated movement
Define fixator
A muscle that stabilises one part of the body whilst another causes movement
Name the 6 synovial joints
Gliding Ball & Socket Saddle Hinge Pivot Condyloid
The motor neurone and it’s muscle fibres are called…
a Motor unit
What is action potential?
positive electrical charge inside the nerve and muscle cells which conducts the nerve impulse down the neuron and into the muscle fibre
What is the synaptic cleft?
gap between motor end plates and muscle fibres
What is Acetylcholine (Ach)?
the neurotransmitter secreted into synaptic cleft
What is a neurotransmitter?
required to allow action potential to cross the synaptic cleft
What is the all or none law?
When stimulated, all of the fibres will contract or none at all depending on whether the charge threshold has been reached
Name the three types of muscle fibre
Slow oxidative (SO or Type 1) Fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG or Type 2a) Fast glycolytic (FG or Type 2b)
What is the circuit that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood back to the heart?
Pulmonary Circuit
What is the circuit that carries oxygenated blood to the lungs and deoxygenated blood back to the heart?
Systemic Circuit